Depression is coming back and somehow survived car accident... My life seems again so strange

Trying to enjoy life and stuff, but it seems depression again fights me. Break up messed me a bit for too much…
I as well yesterday at evening was driving home from one woman, which I started to like. We had fine time, drank tea and watched movie. She makes me happy.
Basically after some long time I had good mood.
And then boom. Someone smashed front of the car in which I was. I yelled. Luckily I wasn’t smashed or anything like that, but still.
A lot of policemen were there and as well rescuer, who helped me when I had panic attack after I was out from my car.
The driver who smashed my car was drunk and was injured. I know it was his fault and I should be angry at him, but I only hope he’s okay and alive right now.
At night I called her and I was venting to her… She was so afraid when I said I was in car accident. She said she will next time be with me, but I only said that I’m glad she stayed at home in safe.
My life is getting again so strange… And inside of my chest I feel some… Anxiety or something like that. Especially from yesterday after car accident…


Hey lady! When you are able to have compassion for the drunk driver that hit you, that to me signals a broader spiritual awakening of sorts. The fact that you are aware of these feelings (and yes, it feels weird/awkward/uncomfortable) is something to embrace, rather than run from. It’s a gift that comes from sobriety and specifically recovery “work”. I’ll stop here, as I don’t want to get all woo-woo on this thread, but you know where to find me if you’d like to discuss further. You are very loved and strong.


I’m glad you were not injured. What a situation. I hope depression and anxiety will lift. Sending you good vibes and kindness :people_hugging:

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Glad you are ok, that all sounds like a lot to deal with. Be gentle on yourself. Sending love to you :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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We’re so happy you’re okay. This sounds like a traumatizing experience. The body remembers traumas even if the mind blocks it out. Talking about it with loved ones and friends might help. It’s soon to consider therapy but that might help too. I hope you feel better. That’s all very understandable.

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