Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

That’d be nice, lol. So weird I can’t open it still.

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Aww Dang how fab does it look!

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you can also discuss with the mods to ask if you can make a sober leg selfies #3 before #2 is full so you can join the fun

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Ooh, now I’m jealous!

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Interesting I went to get my meds filled at pick up 164 dollars,

I asked If they ran my insurance, sure did. Ugh…

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That’s a crime!

Right? Like wtf? I’m paying for health insurance, for what? Not pay shit and have a card in my pocket?

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Fury you are so funny dude but your right on the money to a hold a dang card!

Right? Like can you just send me a card with my name on it. I can put it in my wallet, and it will do the same,

I laugh at everything you say ! It’s like so real and honest.

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That’s deductible is what that is.

I wonder why none off the drama wen here…

Jan!!! I’m gonna kick your Dutchie butt!!! You just couldn’t wait because you’re going to be 18 this month!!! LoL Well if you’re going to plagiarize, you can at least change the sentence from New Years babies to Valentine’s babies :crazy_face:


Rookie plagiarism mistake, my students do this all the time.


You are so right Flo!! Rookie move Jan :nerd_face:


At least he didn’t leave in text that says “click here”, which my students have done!


Srsly… Wierdest places you hid your DOC…Time To Laugh at Ourselves!

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waiting 4 this topic… DO IT. or would we be giving people ideas :bulb:

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How are you going with the finger nail situation? Better?


It’s slowly improving. I think I’m gonna start paying attention to it again soon.