Desperately trying not to smoke

been cutting back on smoking weed and for almost a week, and so far the longest i have gone without is 24 hours. i usually smoked about 6-7 grams a day of flower, or an entire 1 gram cart a day if i truly wanted to. keep in my mind id have to push my limit to finish that much. anyway, today is supposed to be my first full day morning to night without smoking, even though i’ve gone 24 hours i can’t remember the last time i didn’t smoke the entire day whenever i had nothing else to do. only issue is, my brother still has a disposable in his closet. im not supposed to know it’s there but i tricked him into telling me where it was when talking about hiding spots. he has therapy later when i’ll be home, so i know i’ll be fighting the urge to not sneak hits off his cart once i get home in less than 30 mins or so. wish me luck.


You can do it! Just for today


Go out for a walk or leave the house to remove temptation :slightly_smiling_face:. You can do this :muscle:


The key here is when you have nothing else to do: don’t let this moment occur. Stay busy. Engage yourself into new routines and habits . Look up self help apps on your phone or sobriety apps. You can do this. Spend the same amount of more energy trying to stay sober as you did to stay high. Turn it around. Get busy​:muscle:t4::+1:t4::v:t4::innocent:


@aidan_m1213 Welcome!

Be desperate with abstinence; keep in mind that the decision to stop abusing THC is Life or Death! Daily faith in Self keeps me alive now & it will work for you too.

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It is so fucking hard to not sneak hits when its around. Part of why i kept using for so long and moderation was always futile.

I am rooting for you. Please update us! It is possible to resist! And it gets easier.


Hang in there! I’m currently on day 10 and I can feel and see the difference in my overall mood and mental health throughout the day. I had some withdrawal period that really tested me, but once you get over that hump you will feel a lot more clarity.

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Thank you guys for all the ideas, i’ve definitely learned that staying busy makes me not even think about it and helps tremendously. unfortunately yesterday i did fold, i didn’t sneak hits off of my brothers disposable luckily, but one of my friends offered to go out to the woods with me to smoke and you know how that goes. My goal so far was to not smoke more than one time a day and so far i’ve maintained that so I think I need to try going for 2 or 3 days without using to see how much that helps me stay sober. Today I got home from school with the plans to smoke because of early release but ended up jumping in the pool and feeling good enough. Hopefully I can continue to find things like that to stop me from smoking.


Keep finding ways to occupy your time and keep you distracted! Distraction can be a good thing as long as you are not replacing smoking with another substance. Be sure to celebrate each day sober and always strive to keep building on those sober days!

Have I got the thread of happy people for you!

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Thank you so much! swimming in a pool on a hot day definitely simulates the feeling of getting high. it just relaxes your entire body in the same way weed does once you’ve built a tolerance and don’t smoke just for fun. Today is my first full day sober, and it was a lot easier than i imagined. it’s only 5:39 sure, but i’m more than confident i won’t fold. i only have one dabs worth of wax left so i don’t want to use it until i’ve been sober for awhile so i can maximize its effect. first day sober truly feelings amazing!

To be honest it doesnt sound like you are interested in sobriety.

It sounds like you are hoping your tolerance goes down and you are chasing the high

If you truly want to get sober you would ditch your stash


you’re right.

For me weed was so accessible i had to really want to change that entire habit to have a hope of doing it. Harm reduction is good.

But youre on an app called sober time and that probably means a part of you is concerned about your use beyond “the highs gonna be so good when i start up again!”

i cant tell you what is best for your life but for me it was worth committing to quitting for 30 days, and clearheaded i realized i needed to cut it out of my life completely because i couldnt stop rationalizing my use like an addict (to celebrate! A hard day. A sunny day. A friend who smokes is around. Until it became all the time.)

It’s been a year. Sadly after my last post I folded and started back with my old habits. I even would say I started smoking even heavier than before. I was smoking in the mornings, afternoons, and at night. sometimes more than that. The longest I managed to go last year was 1 day. I’m now one week sober. I’ve finally pushed myself and gotten to the point where I don’t care as much about getting a “better high” and I just want to be sober. the positive effects of sobriety far outweighs the positive effects of smoking. Thank you all! I was the most addicted person at my school and out of everyone I know who smokes and now Im completely done with no issues. 1 week may seem small to some but for me that’s a milestone. If i can do this I can do anything.


Heyy :slight_smile:

One week is a huge milestone
Protect your sobriety date

Weed makes me very unmotivated and totally exosted

Good things come from sobriety
Stay strong


Good to see you back with one week sober. Congrats :sunflower:

Well, here we are. the moment where it all finally pays off. As of right now I am 11 days sober and I know that isn’t very much for an average person but for me it is. Last time I had the intention of going a week sober and then smoking again once a day to try and reduce the habit and slowly quit. needless to say that did not work because the first high I got after the one week was so good I couldn’t help myself. Now I have accepted a job across the country in washington state and I currently live in Florida. this job is my dream, where I’ll be learning to become a park ranger and doing habitat restoration. I will have to pass a drug test when I arrive, and randomly throughout my employment. So I won’t be able to smoke again unless I want to throw away my dreams. I think for me, having absolutely no choice but to quit because I genuinely want this job was likely the push I needed to quit. For some reason whenever I would go sober (usually just so I could take a tolerance break) I didn’t actually want to stay sober and I wanted to come back to it in hopes I would be able to use it without being addicted and dependent. It’s been a lot easier because I know I don’t really have a choice and i’ve already spent thousands of dollars preparing to move. It’s still been hard, and almost every day I get urges but it’s not like before where I could fold and the only downside was guilt. Now if I fold I won’t be able to keep this job. Today I was really struggling and I went out to my garage where I keep my smoking supplies and I emptied out my grinder to find a full bowl of weed left from before I flushed it all 11 days ago. The urges were extremely powerful because I knew even that one hit would’ve gotten me extremely high. But having this job lined up forced me to flush it too. This was a huge win for me because any other time in my life when I was fiening for weed I literally could not help myself and would do ANYTHING to get high. but today I flushed it, even thought I was thinking about smoking it all the way up until it literally landed in my toilet. I feel proud of myself, and I’ve finally figured out how to overcome this. The trick is to understand it’s impossible to kick the addiction without urges and without wanting to fold. You have to just accept the fact you want to do it, but you can’t because you respect yourself more than you want to smoke weed. I finally feel like myself again, I was able to get closer with my coworkers before leaving my job with Publix which is something I couldn’t do when I was smoking because it caused me to keep to myself way more and suppressed my personality. I think the only way to overcome an addiction like this is to get 3 or 4 days out and start seeing genuine benefits. If i can do it, you can do it. I am the most addictive person there is and I honestly never even planned on fully quitting. I know it’s only been 11 days, but i’m confident I will be deleting this app soon enough as I won’t be feeling urges pretty soon.


Congrats on flushing the surprise stash and making it thru the cravings for 11 days!!

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