Detox, day 3

Im new here. Day 3 in detox…any advice? Cravings are still intense. Has anyone use any medications to help with cravings? If so what?


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:

It’s great to have you join us :slightly_smiling_face:


What substance are you addicted to?
Mine is alcohol. The first week was the most intense for me, after that it went a bit easier week after week. I didn’t use medication beside a vitamin B supplement and melatonin to help me with sleeping.

I do not know how intense your cravings are. What helped me was the thought: they come and go, so they always leave. I tried to distract myself from it by walking a lot, working out, focus on healthy food and taking good care of my detoxing body. So drink enough water ore herbtea ore sparkled waters. Take a little nap if you need one. Detoxing is hard work for your body.
If you think you need extra help with it contact your doctor.


Crack/cocaine. Ive pretty much oassed the withdrawal stage its more or less the intense cravings. Its all i think about. I had a dream last night i was smoking and woke up blowing out a toke…lol crazy? I know.


Coke gets its hooks in so deep. Have you tried going to an NA meeting? Or a Smart meeting?

I know a few people who quit cocaine after many years of heavy use amd swapped that addiction for another, healthier one but with a similar intensity. A lot of them do triatholons now for example. So maybe moving your body in some way you find fun - running, dancing, yoga whatevs- might help with cravings?


Welcome to the forum! Glad to have u here! My DOC was also Crack cocaine. Cravings are usually pretty intense for the first little bit but then do die down as long as u stay clean. I dont know about medications to help with the detox from it. Im sorry i cant be of more help in that sense. But I found that having a strong support system helps, attending online or in person mtgs helps, and making it as difficult as possible to use helps alot too such as deleting and blocking dealers numbers, avoiding people that use, etc.

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