Detox Depression?

First time posting here. I’m 3 days in and as has happened to me before when I’ve quit drinking I am SO depressed. Deep, dark, on the edge depressed. I’ve actually taken a drink in the past just to stop feeling like jumping off a bridge! I assume this is fairly normal but it’s pretty overwhelming.


I’m experiencing the same. I was depressed before I started 2 days ok, but I feel like I’m in a really deep abyss these past few days.

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I used to feel like that everytime I had a binge. Usually on day 2 or 3 afterwards. It’s very normal. Try to ride it out, it does get better, I promise :blush: :green_heart:


Yes, I’m on day 3 after falling off the train 55 says in. It sucks A LOT. I know from the first few times around, this feeling will pass and this forum is amazing. Stay strong!


Try to get as much rest as possible, rehydrate with lots of water, eat small nutritious meals (fruit, veggies, lean protein). You’re body is trying to heal while your mind is freaking out.

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Completely normal!

Walk, read, post, eat, live! Depending on your alcoholic habits, it could take a few days just for the anxiety to reduce- take a b vitamin complex and drink enough water.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in your own head, just relax and remember you’re in charge of your happiness now :wink:

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