Did you get a new job or promotion after getting sober?

Yeah its not a safe working enviroment for me. Plus family, friends and work sounds nice but… The bosses son using and being hungover at work. Home issues get brought to work between the father and son. Im using the job just to build myself up. I know my worth. My agenda isnt the same as thiers. I need something more stable or go all in and going out on my own. I can only live in today and do whats best. I just bought a car myself. sometimes i ride extra long ways home to listen to music. my shops only ten min away which is good n bad lol…


Fuck yes!!! I had my share of jobs taco Bell specifically when I’d come into work, track marks n all & my boss had me work the register ,she alone being a recovering addict herself treated me so humanely. I’ll never forget her & 3months after that I finally got clean. Then again unfortunately I’ve had bosses who took advantage of my addiction & only used it against me in the meanest form . Hes a jerk seriously it’s unsettling ppl r out there like that. Im good now but I always hope karma will get him ( Chad Marshall Crystal Clear cleaning) he’s a snake in the grass.


YES! Took full advantage of my life grinding to a halt and changed courses…but not the first year. The first year I purposely got a minimum wage job, kept my head down, was not in charge of anyone and I practiced. What did I practice? I practiced not lying, not calling in sick & playing well with others THEN I went back to school. I finished my Bachelor’s degree. Then I continued on and enrolled in Nursing school. I went from sales and hotel/restaurant management to Registered Nurse in the Operating Room. I became Charge Nurse and head of the Open Heart Team.


Well done. Restaurant/bar work is tough when you’ve an alcohol problem. I worked as a night Porter in my early twenties and it was just a normal thing for all the staff to drink after a shift. Hell I even started drinking at 11pm when I started on a number of occasions.

Sober looks good on you and you’ve got a job that makes a difference in life. Isn’t it ridiculous prioritising getting wasted over things like that now.


Oh my goodness yes! And thanks so much @Mobius! Sobriety is the chance of a lifetime to reset every area of your life, that’s for sure. And yes, many can still work around alcohol, though I don’t know how. I couldn’t then or now. Sobriety looks good on you too, looks so good on everybody…before and after pics would be fun to post :+1:t3:


We have a thread for that if you want to check it out!
Show me your transformations!

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I can’t work around alcohol either. The temptation to convince myself I’m fixed and just drink occasionally would be too great. I’m all or nothing, just wish when I was younger I put that energy into work rather than drinking. I’d be a millionaire by now!

Although there is the transformation thread I’ll just stick them here :grin:

Me when I was 24, yep 24. I look about 14!!! Broken nose already after getting beaten up drunk one night outside a club.

I’m so skinny there. Didn’t eat properly when I was drinking.

Compared to me now


Wow!! Wonderful before & after. You know what always stands out to me…the eyes. The before ones look so lost, vacant, like no ones home. Love to see the difference! And thank you @Donnie_Spiering heading to take a look/post now

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Great story! Well done making those big changes.


Well thanks so much @LeilaBird! Designing a life that’s true to myself vs. letting alcohol make those choices for me feels wonderful :hugs:


Yes. I went from barely being able to hold it together with one job to getting a new full-time job and working both. I could not have dine this without getting sober. Being tired from working and earning mine money feels better than being sick and tired from drinking and wasting what little I had. It is a complete positive difference and I don’t want to go back!


Going to revive this old thread to celebrate my first union mandated promotion. I now make 70% more money than when I was drinking and just letting life pass by. I opened an investment account last week which is one of my goals for this year. :grinning:

How is everyone’s new jobs working out? Does anyone new want to celebrate a new job, raise or promotion?


I got a great New job with a huge raise and relocation during my longest sobriety stretch. After some messing up I’m kicking it at work and may be promoted soon, I hope.

Not being a piece of crap feels good. Coming in hung over, calling off, etc are not professional.


That is fantastic! Congratulations and looking forward to hearing about it when you get the next big promotion!

I also love feeling productive, motivated and competitive at work.

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Nope. My job went to hell in a bucket after getting sober and I have not been able to locate any other gainful employment, despite my and my recruiters best efforts. Sometime sobriety isn’t all rainbows and unicorns and that is alright (Despite feigning that I yearn for the sweet sweet relief of death to come and relieve me of this burden… Us drunks tend to make things overly dramatic eh?).


Sorry to hear that @DowntroddenGoat. I recall you saying that your last job was insanely hectic but I am sure you miss the stability it did provide anyway.

I hope this turns into a good opportunity for you soon.

You are so correct that being sober is not all rainbows and puppies. We are still getting older and still dealing with luck or lack thereof in the life lottery. I am glad we have this awesome competitive advantage though!

I have a big interview on Tuesday where I am being flown to another state. Even if I am nervous and don’t present myself well, at least I won’t write follow-up enails while drunk! And whatever comes, job or not, I know I will handle it with emotional sobriety. And that feels pretty darn good!


That’s awesome! Good luck in your interview @Kareness! You have impressive skills!

Emotional sobriety is taking me time to develop but it is so good. I also have put down a lot of shame that was holding me back.

Oh. Yep. I can see how that can be confusing. I am still at that job…behind in pay and the only one seemingly doing any work. Hence the yearning… Lol

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Behind in pay but still there? Oh…

I am glad you are looking while you still sort of have a cushion then. You will find it.