Did you get a new job or promotion after getting sober?

I didn’t necessarily get promoted, however I did become a much more trusted and integrated team member and that was only within a month of being sober. :slight_smile: It’s all of the little positive things that have helped me get straight back on the wagon after a recent relapse.


Sober I was brave enough to get a new, better payed job and quit my actual job. Sure, nobody can give me the guarantee that the new job is better but I’ll only see that when I try right? One step at a time :muscle::blush:


I have a new job. I was offered a FT position within my field after completing 7 gruelling years of school. And I am absolutely loving it and enjoying going everyday without the brain fog :heart:


I got a 20% raise like a month after I quit drinking. What’s funny is I thought I did great at work before. But looking back I was just working to get to my next drink. I was just trying to make it till lunchtime so I could runt to the store and fill my cup with some ice and energy drink. Top it off with some vodka and back to work I go. Then it was the same think till quitting time. All that I thought about was that “road drink” for the drive home… Man I sucked! Lol.

So yeah, when I quit and my boss and good friend saw I was serious, he gave me a big raise:)


Great thread! I got a job hitting exactly the three criteria I was looking for after I got sober. I’m in a leadership role where they respect me and my experience and expertise. It’s super challenging and stressful yet I get to practice my spiritual practice of mindfulness and intentionality everyday- and I see results.

BTW, Last night I orchestrated a fundraiser at a winery - i was surrounded by yummy high end wine and I realized that I was grateful to not be distracted by how I was gonna drink. I felt liberated.

No raise yet but I get to hire to expand my team.


That’s the American dream… nice

Wow :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign: :heavy_dollar_sign:

I did. Once I stopped drinking I left a well paid Job I hated, for a reduced salary job elsewhere (some peeps thought I had lost the plot, giving up booze and money😁) I’ve been doing my new job for just over a month and went for an internal position/promotion. I got offered it yesterday. Woop woop being sober is a life giver. Xxx


That’s cool! I too love making changes I need instead of drinking to ignore them.

My new job is going great. Fingers crossed it becomes a permanent position. They made me a department rep so it’s looking good.

How is everyone else doing at the new jobs?

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I got out of the construction world. Mainly laying floors and renovations. Started a new gig as a pool man cleaning all these millionaires houses on the lake. Huge change of scenery and makes me hustle that much more seeing all these beautiful cars and mansions. So yea, and the pay is decent with a company truck. Guy in the program referenced me and here I am.


Yes. I have been promoted twice, and my variable compensation has increased dramatically. I attribute this to getting up and getting after it early, so when the workday begins, I am firing on all cylinders, and I no longer spend the last hour of the day counting down to “drink-30”. Now I play to the buzzer.


Hell yeah! It just motivates me even more. I layed around alot at first I’m 27,divorced ,no children. I was lucky to have my Mom&Dad they make a great support system. I stayed home feeling blah at first almost 7months, no job no motivation no car . I’ve been working 8 months now. I love my job more than any job in the past sober or high. I feel silly for not getting out to work sooner. But im doing great now that’s so it worked out & I got a car about 2 months ago ! Having that freedom of blasting my music in my car with the windows down has only amplified this good mood. My doc was opiates,towards the end IV Heroin. I never thought I’d b able to work without drugs .


Same here and the same route to iv. I totally understand the hermit stage detoxing. I did the same for 2 months. I still worked but i went straight home. But on the good side I recently did see a dollar raise and much more respected. I used to get treated shyty as a junkie. They are in a position now if i left thier small buisness they would fold. So they are not in a position to get rid of me but i could leave. Ohhh…how the tides have changed. Annd im not too set on working here after this year…


Congratulations on your clean time, the job and the car.

I love the freedom of playing music in my own car on a sunny day. I live in a big city so I bought my first car not that long ago, having used transit before that.

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Good to hear that you now have confidence in your value as an employee. If you have resentments it does sound like a fresh start would be a good thing.

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Yeah its not a safe working enviroment for me. Plus family, friends and work sounds nice but… The bosses son using and being hungover at work. Home issues get brought to work between the father and son. Im using the job just to build myself up. I know my worth. My agenda isnt the same as thiers. I need something more stable or go all in and going out on my own. I can only live in today and do whats best. I just bought a car myself. sometimes i ride extra long ways home to listen to music. my shops only ten min away which is good n bad lol…


Fuck yes!!! I had my share of jobs taco Bell specifically when I’d come into work, track marks n all & my boss had me work the register ,she alone being a recovering addict herself treated me so humanely. I’ll never forget her & 3months after that I finally got clean. Then again unfortunately I’ve had bosses who took advantage of my addiction & only used it against me in the meanest form . Hes a jerk seriously it’s unsettling ppl r out there like that. Im good now but I always hope karma will get him ( Chad Marshall Crystal Clear cleaning) he’s a snake in the grass.


YES! Took full advantage of my life grinding to a halt and changed courses…but not the first year. The first year I purposely got a minimum wage job, kept my head down, was not in charge of anyone and I practiced. What did I practice? I practiced not lying, not calling in sick & playing well with others THEN I went back to school. I finished my Bachelor’s degree. Then I continued on and enrolled in Nursing school. I went from sales and hotel/restaurant management to Registered Nurse in the Operating Room. I became Charge Nurse and head of the Open Heart Team.


Well done. Restaurant/bar work is tough when you’ve an alcohol problem. I worked as a night Porter in my early twenties and it was just a normal thing for all the staff to drink after a shift. Hell I even started drinking at 11pm when I started on a number of occasions.

Sober looks good on you and you’ve got a job that makes a difference in life. Isn’t it ridiculous prioritising getting wasted over things like that now.


Oh my goodness yes! And thanks so much @Mobius! Sobriety is the chance of a lifetime to reset every area of your life, that’s for sure. And yes, many can still work around alcohol, though I don’t know how. I couldn’t then or now. Sobriety looks good on you too, looks so good on everybody…before and after pics would be fun to post :+1:t3: