Didn't make it to two years this time

Hey everyone! I have been gone a while. I am safe and I have missed you.

So I relapsed a month before my two year sobriety anniversary. That was beginning of May this year. I drank twice in May. Not a single time in June. Then again 4 times in July.

It hasnā€™t been similar to the way I have been before. No blackouts. Havenā€™t hooked up with anyone. No drugs. Just fun. So I guess the thought of moderating is lurking at the back of my head. But the last time I drank now, I went out to a bar with my friend. Had a cider. It tasted bad. And he kept ordering beer. I didnā€™t feel like continuing drinking even though I had already given myself ā€œpermissionā€. Took water instead. Just one cider and I knew in my head that I didnā€™t like it, not the taste, not the feeling, none of it.

But now that I went back to it, I am once again lost and conflicted. I am not drinking too much, but I donā€™t like any of it, I am afraid of losing control but at the same time I want to lose control? I donā€™t like it yet I look forward to it. I havenā€™t felt this way in two years, because I have been sober obviously.

Anyway, reporting back to the forum on day 3. Guess I need to start actively working on my sobriety again and staying in contact with peers. Thatā€™s where I went wrong.


Thanks! Yeah, it isnƤt sustainable just because for now it is working. It just is so hard to ge back on track. I feel alone, lonely and just having hard time connecting. Staying motivated. Lacking routine. etc. But gotta do the work again to stay sober and find meaning in life.


For me, nothing bad happened for a while after I decided to try drinking like a gentleman again.

It gave me the illusion of control. It gave me a place I felt I could get back to when I did start doing things that werenā€™t acceptable for me.

It progressed until all my rules for self discipline didnā€™t matter anymore.

Iā€™m glad your here!


Welcome back @Jennajen :innocent: Its good to see you again. You have a thoughtful, observant, reflective-inquiring way of sharing and communicating. You are a unique and valuable human.

Control. Control, control. We are funny creatures, us humans.

It might be interesting for you to take some time to dig into what control symbolizes for you. ā€œControlā€ can be a lot of different things; maybe take some time to ground it in some specific things you can think of.

I had a conversation with my therapist last week about how I felt like I wished _____ had been different for me. He suggested that I write two stories: one which is the story of me as I am now, one which is the story of me as I imagine I would be if Iā€™d had _____. (This could also be done with two letters: one from the first situation person, one from the second. Like letters to yourself, or to a person who youā€™d like to write them to.)

And to quote Jennajen in her advice in a thread from earlier days:
ā€œthese arenā€™t things you have to ā€œproveā€ to yourself, you should do them because they make you feel good, not because you are trying to please everyone.ā€

Sheā€™s a wise soul. Thereā€™s a heart in there with the depth and strength of the earth. She will find her balance. She always does, when she looks into her heart.

You can do this Jennajen. I believe in you.


Welcome back :slight_smile:


Welcome back Jenna! :sunny:


Welcome back :purple_heart:.
I find this interesting. You are ā€˜moderatingā€™, the holy grail that many if us want. Honestly, I would moderate if I thought I could. But here you are saying even successful moderation is unsatisfying. In the end we donā€™t want what we think we do. And being in that place must be puzzling and lonely. Glad you have decided to work again on sobriety as the only answer to the conundrum.


Nice to see you back Jenna :heart:


As addicts , we have to stay in Recovery to stay sober , Iā€™m glad you identity where you went wrong, Iā€™m a recovering addict , if Iā€™m not in Recovery then I will be an addict.

Today I choose recovery, one day at a time


Hi Jenna! Iā€™m glad your back. And back before the bad :poop: started. Because as alcoholics Iā€™m pretty sure it eventually will. Moderating is just a dream for us. Doesnā€™t work. Start doing the things you did before ā€¦the things that helped you have almost two years of sobriety.


I not only canā€™t moderate. Quite frankly I donā€™t see the point. I am so much happier alcohol free. And if I did drink one, well might as well make it 15 or soā€¦ā€¦


Welcome back Jenna!


Welcome back Jenna.
For me my drinking which began later (no control at all, now that I type it: it was at the same timeā€¦) Was maybe a release button for my ED which I started off with anorexia and later bulimia. From total control to no control. Seemed that I had used up all my control and then got into numbing myself with alcohol.

I am glad you are back.


So glad to see you here, Jenna. You are a great contributor to this forum.


@JasonFisher Thanks for sharing Jason. That is why I have come back - it seems like moderation could work for me now based on these experiences, but I know better and I know you know it better, so I need to come back. It is just difficult to kind of quit when I am in the ā€œgoodā€ place still, so the romantization is there. You sharing helps me, really. Thank you.

@Matt Thank you Matt. My head is still not at a place where I can do that thought experiment, but I will try and come back to it. Just want to be honest that when it requires a lot of thought, my head becomes blank and frustrated. I appreciate you and your reply, as always. Thank you.

@fargesia thank you!

@Faugxh thank you dear!

@Misokatsu Thank you Flo. Yes, it is puzzling to be at this place - it is working in practice, but it still isnā€™t what I want. But now I have to start from almost zero to get back to understanding what I want and need. And it is lonely, so lonely. Glad to be back and know I am accepted and supported here.

@BJM thank you Beth!

@S0BERman yes, I thought almost two years of sobriety meant that I could start focusing on other things. Well, I should focus on other things as well, but I can never stop being vigilant and prioritising my sobriety.

@Mbwoman Thank you! Yes, it is true. I logically know that it would have progressed and quite fast. Already saw it from two times a month to four times in a few weeks. I will get back to recovery.

@Bobbyw I agree with you. Two years I was happy and not interested in drinking and I could lean on my recovery and my support. Moderation isnā€™t for me.


@Lisa07 thank you Lisa!

@anon74766472 Thank you. Yes, the lack of control or excess need for control is always there in everything I do. Not just drinking. So better just not have to think about ā€œcontrollingā€ it and stay sober. Then maybe I can slowly work on the other parts where I struggle as well. Thank you for sharing. I am glad I am back as well.

@leehawk thank you, back at you!


I get that. Psychologically, that sounds a bit like dissociation: the mind shuts down, as a protective mechanism, as a survival strategy.

Another way to dig into this would be through more physical and/or artistic things, like yoga, dance, martial arts, sculpture, music, painting, sketching, etc. These arenā€™t cognitive things; you donā€™t have to have ā€œa plan step 1 step 2ā€ of what youā€™re going to do; you just follow your gut.

But Iā€™m speculating & I may be speaking out of place. I am making some guesses and I may be off :innocent:

You are a good person Jennajen and you deserve a safe, grounded life where you can be your full self. You belong, and you matter. :slightly_smiling_face:

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You came back hereā€¦and the good thing is we always can! Iā€™m glad you are choosing sobriety again. Way better than drinking, drugging, wasting time, wasting away!


@Matt yes I think it might be partially dissociation (I have dealt with dissociation my whole life, especially in the form of derealization) but also partially that I just have really difficult to focus and start new complex tasks especially. I am sure it is a good excercise, just need to take it when I have the ability to focus. But the activity based ideas are really good, thanks Matt - funny enough I have just been watching to get into a handful of those the last week! Just felt like they might really help out.

@Mbwoman Exactly. Thank you :heart:

@Mephistopheles absolutely it is, agreed.

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Hi! Iā€™m new to the forum and just read your post. As others have said, welcome back. Relapse happens, and I know Iā€™m just a drink away from the disaster my life was when I was drinking. Donā€™t be hard on your self.