Disappointed/ got to surrender to new options

That feeling of belonging is exactly how I feel every time I go to a meeting. I am so proud of you. I’m glad you liked it and found it a positive place. What a huge step you have just taken. You never have to do this alone


I’m so glad you felt at home at your first meeting. To reply to your question about what people get out of meetings,

Just sharing your problems out loud?

I refer to the Bible now and again when it suits my purpose. So in the book of Genesis, God gives man dominion over animals. And what man does is name the animals. So my belief is that to speak my fear or my truth out loud is to take dominion over it and release its hold on me. In a meeting, when I share, I gain perspective on my own experience, I can reach some objectivity and release myself from flailing about aimlessly. It helps me and I hope it helps someone else.


This is the best dang thing I’ve read all day. :slightly_smiling_face: So glad you made it!

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Get to attend my second meeting Sunday. Now that I got those first time worries out of the way I’m actually looking forward to it. I’m still unsure about exactly how the flow of things go or what or how I should word or talk about things so I’m going to just observe and learn all I can!