Disappointed in myself😭

So here I am again back at day one feel so disgusted in myself and wondering why oh why did I do it :sob:


Probably because you’re an addict :wink:
But you’re still here and that’s what matters !


Sorry to hear and also sorry to say that I am right beside you on day 1. We just have to take a lesson from this last slip and not fall for the same trick again. I’ll race you to day 3. Go!


Yes I am with you all in that I’ve had so many hard lessons and hard enough to shock the system and here I am again after another and I’m determined to make it a final lesson and I’m at 7 days sober but completely disgusted with the guy in the mirror that has refused to learn from hard lessons I pray I am done finished this is it and I’m taking it literally a minute at a time.


For me, in the beginning, being extremly active here helped


Thank you everyone it’s so nice to know I’m not on my own, I was doing so well now back to feeling tired depressed and anxious just because of one night of being weak


@Thirdmonkey I agree.
@Steph4 This is how I got to day 7 (what third monkey said). You don’t always have to write you can just read. Or laugh at the memes. Anything that reminds you why you are here and gets you away from the nonsense your brain tries to tell you. Also put any other goals/activities that you dont HAVE to do on hold and just focus on sobriety. Everything else comes later. I always tried to get sober while doing loads of other stuff or else going completely away from my life. Neither worked. Stay in your life but make it really simple till you get going a bit again. I’m a serial relapser, you aren’t alone, most important thing is to get back on it straight away


I am in the same boat myself. Day 1 for what feels like the millionth time :woman_facepalming:t2: You are not alone! :heart::heart::heart:


Everyone makes mistakes we are all human it’s what you do after pick yourself up and keep fighting the good fight take it one day at a time and you will get there

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