Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

Somebody said that Trumpism without Trump may be the way forward for the Republicans. Might have been Ann Coulter. It makes sense as it seems many people couldn’t get on with his rough edges, and yes, narcissism and bs, but did support what he was doing.
As to ‘say negative things about Trump’ - negative is fine, it’s the perniciousness that’s so odd.
‘A bit like trump likes to show his one black supporter to the world’.
Baffles me.

Trumpism without Trump is what I mean by worse. We could have an authoritarian racist demagogue who was smart and competent next time. Like Trump’s buddy Putin. That’s scary. Even weak Trump has done some lasting damage. Not just to faith in democracy, ratcheting up of hatred and conspiracy theorizing and the chance of bipartisanship, but also international relations, increased threat of nuclear war, job losses, child poverty, women’s and LGBT rights and environmental damage; there’s no quick fix to any of that.


Not even remotely funny but bloody typical and sad. Thinking of @Tomek who left his country because mf’s like this and their policies. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/dec/02/hungary-rightwing-rulers-downplay-mep-jozsef-szajer-gay-orgy-scandal-amid-hypocrisy-accusations


Yeah, the worst is - it won’t even be a scandal there. People are so resigned and accustomed to be screwed by this party. Also governmental media (equals the whole media apart from a few online portal) is just keeping quiet.


I just checked two mainstream media portal (governmental) - it wasn’t even mentioned. At the bottom of the page (after scrolling down) there is a little script saying, it is probably the revenge of Brussels. So typical…


Not really about memes, but I’ve been wondering if there’s some continuity in the elements in humans that make us susceptible to addictions, and the elements that make us susceptible to cults, conspiracy theories and false narratives, like the whole “fake votes” thing in the US, which large numbers of people seem to still believe, based on a lot of propaganda put out by people with a lot to gain by the lies. Points of comparison:

– it’s hard to give up a conspiracy theory or cult, or an addiction, because it’s about your identity, and it’s about admitting you have a problem, and changing habits of mind and body. Who wants to say they were wrong?
– it’s also about the group you hang with: you go the bar and everyone’s drinking; you live in a particular place, or watch a particular show, and “everybody” is voting one way; it’s hard to believe there are others who don’t live in those worlds, or that you could be one of them.
– it’s self destruction that feels like self love. Like, voting for the people who don’t want a big relief package and don’t want to raise the minimum wage but do like giving breaks to billionaires and corporations, or voting for the people who don’t want you to have health care: that doesn’t seem like it’s self interest for rural Americans or low to middle income people. But seems like many of those people believe their self interest hinges on an ideological image created by images and rhetoric and myth. and that’s not unlike the way we can believe we’re taking care of ourselves or even treating ourselves or medicating ourselves, when we numb out the scary bits of reality by getting drunk or high. it comes from a sense of powerlessness that makes you reach for false illusions of power or control.

It’s not a total analogy, lots doesn’t fit, but it partly fits.


@Fury That’s 100% speculation based on nothing. Like the total lies your president has been spewing about ‘the steal’. This is not about whatever side is not accepting whatever result, this is about your president not accepting his loss. This is about your president inciting violence and insurgence. This is a coup attempt.
And what happened when your president wanted to hold a bible in front of some church a couple of months ago? What about the folks in full military gear lined up when BLM protested there? There would have been a massacre if they had tried to do what happened today. So no, this is on your president and the ones who helped him. It did not happen another way because this was your presidents plan and idea, not anybody else’s.



I just look back to 4 years ago when he was elected, DC was a disaster then, except it was the opposition to President Trump inauguration

This time he lost, so now his supporters are in there causing a ruckus. Do I agree that he has a huge part in this shitshow. 100%. Do I honestly believe he can just ask them to stand down and then they’ll listen hell no. If anything if he was smart he would have conceded and planned for 2024, instead of carrying on about election fraud, is there election fraud I’m sure of it. Is it as rampant as the claims no. I’m sure mistakes are made, questionable votes occur as well as dishonesty but let’s be real. Here


Hate CNN for calling BLM protesters, and these people Rioters. I don’t agree with either side, just so disappointed by the media

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Breaching the capital makes you a treasonous rioter… if black armed ppl did that they wouldn’t be alive right now. The media reports the news with a little spin, social media is more to blame then anything imo.

What happened today is not okay.


Yes… yes i personally am.


This thread is for memes. If you want to discuss mine move over to Discussion of Political Memes & Politics please. I’m mostly disappointed by your president. And a certain part of the American population. And The Washington police department or whatever law enforcement agency responsible that let this happen.


I know your not familiar with DC but yeah,

DC Metro police have their hands tied, short staffed and use of force is strictly prohibited in most cases.

Federal Police are limited as is all the extras it’s a nightmare.

The right of the people to peacefully assemble is a constitutional right,just like I can disagree with your assembly, but this is a disaster it would have happened despite of who was elected. There is no “acceptance” when it comes to losing an election anymore

You don’t know that to be true.

Things not to blame for today:

  1. The media
  2. Black Lives Matter.
  3. Democrats.
  4. Antifa

Things to blame for today.

  1. Trump, Donald
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Soon to be former president trump.
  4. White supremacists and white privilege.

No, this would not happened in any other election. It did not happen in 2016, or any other time. Transitions of power have always been peaceful, and usually smooth.

This is an assault on democracy. It’s not a riot, or a protest, it’s terrorism. It’s politically motived violence in order to intimidate a group of people because of their views.

These are not opinions. These are facts.


Love your posts. Truth :trophy::v::tada:


A few more on things to blame:
5. The GOP enablers who were willing to “object” to a legitimate election in craven bid for votes.
6. GOP enablers over four years.
7. Conspiracy theorists, Fox, Newsmax and all the other popular dangerous liars.
8. American education system, clearly not functional
9. Narcissism and the refusal to believe you were ever wrong
10 Masculinity
11. The terrible false equivalencies and both sides ism visible on this thread. The delusion that both sides are just as bad, that nobody is truly less corrupt and hatefilled and dangerous than current incumbent. The failure to draw lines and distinctions or ask for evidence.
12. Yeah, Trump and racism. But it goes back longer and deeper. Slavery. Jim Crow. The ridiculous electoral college system, designed to keep white men in power forever. Democracy in America is old but it’s been a rocky foundation forever.


10 & 11 are big facts. To me this has very little to do with political leanings or parties. This is something much much worse.


The Electoral College is an integral part of the checks and balances that attempt to maintain Democracy.

And although no sane person could condone what’s happened today, neither could any sane person condone the fiery, yet mostly peaceful rioting and looting across the country for a large part of last year. Extremism is ugly, whoever’s perpetrating it.

I’m not sure I would couch it in those terms exactly… I’m not in a position to make a judgement on anyone’s sanity :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But it seems what you are saying is that it is possible to have sympathy with a cause without condoning violence?

Although it is difficult for me to understand this one. Particularly the bit where Donald Trump and other elected Republicans are contesting the election result… Didn’t all their legal challenges get thrown out?

I don’t know. So much anger and division. It’s really sad. I hope everyone can find what they need to move forward.

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