Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

But not yet !!!

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This one do made me see something in another light! I have to stop reading your memes!

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I do like them you go girl exercises your rights!

Cancelled! by the San Francisco School Board. The Ministry of Love will be contacting you soon.

Man I just came here to buy some GameStop stock. I think this whole thing is hilarious. Also goes show how the stock market is a poor indicator of the economy in general. If a bunch of redditors can come in and literally flip the system in two days you might want to rethink that system as being an indicator of encomic health. GDP, poverty levels, to some extent unemployment figures and inflation paint a much better picture.

Also I’m just posting to keep my regular status.



Watching “Inside the QANON Conspiracy” on CNN special report.
These people are really fucked in the head.
Seriously fucked!!
And we got at least 2 in Congress :scream:


Does anyone know if @ReneeAnn was arrested trying to storm the Capitol?


I thought memes were supposed to be funny.

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Different sense of humor I guess.
And I do believe there is a whole thread to discuss the humor (or lack of humor) of the Political Memes thread


I’m not interested in discussing the difference between genuine humor and juvenile attempts at humor.

Wowwwwwww. That went right over your head, didn’t it?


Can we get a mod to clean up the meme thread please?
I am expected to not comment on people’s ridiculous memes. I have been told to comment on the discussion of Political Memes thread if I have something to say about a meme.
So let’s be Inclusive here and keep the comments off of all the memes. Not just some.


Please and thank you


Hi Gabe!!

This is the Discussion thread, so discussion is cool.

If there are off topic posts or discussion on a meme thread, please flag them and we will move as necessary.


42 posts were split to a new topic: Derailment graveyard 2021

Copying from another thread…

Feels relevant to repeat this here. Also a reminder of the forum rules, especially number one…


I like John Pavlovitz.

I wish there were multiple truth based, not hate based political options in the US. This is a pretty bad situation.


Hey pal.
We agree on something :scream:

This forum is for sobriety, support and community building. The recent posts are the antithesis of all three.

Per the new rules, this topic will remain permanently closed.