Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

This is brilliant :grin::trophy::tada:… Let’s all just get along and love each other in our differences :grin:

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Absolutely!! :crossed_fingers:t3::blush:

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🤷 just pointing out the way this election is going to be.

Uhh, an higher politician from foreign affairs was asked if we (Germany) were prepared for another 4 years. - Honesty : no.


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I’m still up… and not all Americans. Believe me


:man_shrugging::man_shrugging: I don’t want either of these schmucks :rofl::rofl::rofl: but I’m gonna laugh a hearty laugh if Trump pulls it off


I’m still holding out theres a third candidate we don’t know about :joy:


Kanye got a couple votes :rofl::rofl:


“This is a massive fraud. Frankly, we won the election”. With the current results on view.


You know I watched it in real time and it was typical winners type of Trump propaganda. I didn’t care for his “disenfranchised” comments, they were just regular team vs team division crap that he does. But I didn’t interpret the Supreme Court stoppage of votes the way all the news personalities did.

I’m still frankly shocked by all of it, I thought Biden would have gotten into the 300s.


Trumps face on the jumbotron in the back has me dying


I do find it scary that this is thought of as ‘typical propaganda’ and ‘regular…crap he does’. It reminds me of Belarus. BTW, here we have two politicians with about 20% of the vote that use the same sort of words and tactics. If we had a two party system, and thank god we don’t, probably one of the two would be leading one of the parties as a populist demagogue just like your president.


Yeah I’d prefer no parties at all, couldn’t vote along lines that way, might actually have to look into them more and such.

I think social media has only made all the politics worse, like there has to be a right or wrong, my your vs your way.

But it is what it is, and I’m only really interested in my world and that of my families, the rest is just outside noise and I adjust to the outside elements and provide for them.

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When George W Bush was president here (the 2nd Bush), it was common for him to be mocked for his verbal blunders and perceived lack of intelligence.

I wasn’t terribly fond of him, but after 4 years of listening to Trump, if you go back and read some of GWB’s speeches, it’s almost like poetry in comparison (not saying I agree with his words, just that the difference in levels of eloquence is remarkable)

Edit - meant to add, in regards to the two-party system. In the state that I live in, we had a question on the ballot to implement ranked choice voting, which would help resolve the two party problem at least at the state level. It would make it so people could vote for who they actually want, rather than people feeling like if they don’t vote democrat or republican then they are throwing away their vote. If your 1st candidate of choice is mathematically eliminated, then your vote is deferred to your next preference. Somehow, this question didn’t pass. It seemed like a no-brainer to me.


I agree - and although MA is generally seen as a progressive/liberal/blue state, the things you hear about there being an undercurrent of racism here is absolutely true (and not necessarily specific to party, for what it’s worth). I see it and I hear it. A good chunk of the American half of my family (mom’s side) is guilty of it – and the thing is, they don’t even realize that they harbor prejudices; that something they say or a view they hold is actually rooted in such things. Here south of the city, especially, there are towns/areas that are very much the opposite of how MA is usually portrayed.

Speaking of things at the state level, I am thrilled to see congresswoman Ayanna Pressley get her re-election here in MA. She’s well-known at the national level at this point. Another powerful woman of color who is striving for true, positive change. Proud to have her representing us.


Lol that is hilarious :joy: the chair :chair: too!

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So many Americans want a “daddy” and that’s trump to them-it’s an authoritarian type of person. Listen, Hitler was a house painter, Trump is a reality show host. It’s the personality people love. They want to be told how to live and act & trump does just that. Furthermore, They look at joe Biden and they see a feeble old man they look at Trump and see someone who can say whatever he wants and do whatever he wants. It doesn’t matter that his statements are false and are lies, people who vote for him are afraid and he makes them feel less of that. Every person who is a Trump supporter is fearful of the unknown and of their “rights” being taken away from the dems. They can not and refuse to see the big picture. Anyways just my two cents…THIS IS NAILBITING


GW may not have been the most intelligent president for sure, but he had this way of bringing people together. He faced one of the worst crises in American history during 9/11 and he brought this country together. He was a true leader that day.



Something we are severely lacking these days indeed. Instead of uniting to tackle a deadly virus, for example, it has become a matter of politics rather than public health and focusing on the greater good. How a pandemic that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in this country continues to be minimized from the top is utterly baffling.