Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

GW may not have had the best policy to tackle the virus but you know damn sure he’d be on TV trying to sooth everyone. Obama too. Clinton too. GHWB definitely would have. RR would have been giving fireside chats.

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I’m pretty sure every president except trump would have done the same thing that day


Regardless of party affiliation, people respect leaders who lead from the front. They respect leaders who take responsibility for the bad things and give credit to others for the good.

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Remember when we wouldn’t vote for a guy because he couldn’t spell potato? 30 years later, we have Trump. Aaaaaamerica.


Dear Nevada,

Wake the fuck up and start counting your goddamn votes.

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God help this country if Biden wins because they will declare him incompetent and put Kamala in charge of everything. Also Obama will have a big say in what goes on because that’s Biden’s BFF. :rage::rage::rage:

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I hate to wade in…

Today just like last year, as a left-leaning moderate, I have to ask what those clinging to Trump are after. And I really don’t think it’s entirely the bravado.

The Rust Belt is the battleground. “Rust Belt.” I wonder if they want someone who will bark orders, or if they feel like the democratic party called shots they don’t like for too long and will accept anyone who brings the fight they want to see?

Really though, I can only imagine. I could overlook a lot in candidates I didn’t otherwise agree with in the past. Not so this go.


Who is they? I love these vague, unsubstantiated conspiracy theories people love to endorse. You worry about almost impossible (go study what it actually takes to remove a sitting president by the way) outcomes when we have the reality of the worst president sitting in front of us right now. What’s next some good ole Q-anon, deep state, reptilian people non-sense? Or lemme guess, all of the Biden ballots are somehow fraudulent because they don’t support trump? When I went to bed last night I was pretty sure trump was going to win. And I thought to myself, boy that sucks, but it was a free and fair election and I have to live with the results. Now that I seem to be wrong I think to myself, boy this is great, and it’s still a free and fair election.


It’s a number of things including what you touched upon about the Democrats but they’re also only out for the “what can you do for me?” Most trump supporters don’t give a fuck about the environment for example so they don’t care that trump is doing everything in his power to dismantle the EPA. They also don’t know half of what Trump has done to hurt our country. Either they have deep pockets and are afraid of what Biden won’t do for the rich or they fear the dems but the authoritarian part of it is huge.

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Giving into fear mongering is fun


To be fair, when he was being administered the Q anon, he was Corona free, stopped, and he got the covits.


I wish we still had laugh reacts because I am dying.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: bada bing bada boom.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got an Alex Jones podcast to catch

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God help this world if trump wins. Biden supports the paris agreement. With him taking part, a lot of other countries will join too, like China. Trump doesn’t want to join. Our world is being destroyed by mankind. If we don’t act soon, everything will be screwed for my generation and all to follow




While the issues do matter to me, as they should, human decency takes precedence over politics.

Our president has publicly vocalized misogynistic and racist views…numerous times. The fact that his supporters suggest labelling him a racist is a cop-out is laughable. He has publicly mocked the disabled. He has referred to veterans who were captured, wounded, or KIA as “losers”. He has publicly disparaged virtually every demographic that is not white, straight, American, republican men. He continues to minimize a virus that is responsible for 200k+ American deaths, and we don’t even know the long term impact of COVID yet. These are not fabrications, there is literal video of him saying these things, straight from the horses mouth, on what seems like a weekly basis at this point.

The election is more than politics this time. It’s a pretty cut and dry matter of right vs wrong, in my opinion. Again, policies aside. I’m by no means in love with Joe Biden, but he’ll do. If you support Donald Trump, you are supporting the hatred he spews. Plain and simple.


She should be an Avenger. Just saying.


Well, whoever wins there will be a group of people who are happy and a group of people who aren’t. Hopefully the majority will rumble along in the middle, trying their best to be decent people and supporting each other. That’s what I try and remind myself when things don’t go my way :pray::sparkling_heart:


LOUDER so those in the back can hear.
YES YES YES to all of this


I’m not sure about this. At the end of the day a lot of people do support Trump. I would imagine a lot of them feel pretty uncomfortable about those things you’ve described there. But they might look at the system and think that he is the only person that comes close to their views on the issues that matter in their lives. I don’t know enough about demographics and politics in the US to go into the detail.

I have to tell myself this or the world makes absolutely no sense!