Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

It’s kind of unprecedented, but until results are certified he can ignore them as much as he wants. What you say is being said here as well.

Normally it’s common for someone to concede well before the final results are in, and things go much more smoothly. Not the least of which because that person is setting the tone for all the people who support them.


I think this is terrifying. We may be in the midst of a coup. It’s frightening tat so many GOP members have fallen in lockstep with totally baseless claims, and 70% of republicans think the election was a fraud. Even if there’s some kind of peaceful transition, trust in American democracy is deeply eroded in the us and around the world.


Writing as an avid follower of US politics, although from the UK, the only words I have actually seen coming out of Republican mouths are that once the recounts are done and if all’s proven judicially to be above board, Trump will concede.
I haven’t seen one Republican, including Trump, say there’s going to be a coup, uprising, he won’t concede.
Can anyone direct me to a video that clearly shows this?
I’m not writing this as a form of wind-up - I just don’t see any firm evidence to back up these worries and concerns.

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I don’t get involved with Twitter, Instagram or Facebook - I personally find them to all be poisonous. I stick with TS, that’s as much as I need.


I have seen the same. All the official lines are ‘we are waiting for the votes to be certified, all legal votes should be counted’ which on its own is not at all controversial. I think the worry comes from what Trump is saying (even if only to rile his base) and the delay tactics being used. This makes me sound more knowledgeable than I am on the issue. I thought this was a good explainer

Edit to add, I saw someone on the Andrew Marr show last week, I think from the Washington Post (not a pro-Trump paper anyway) and her analysis seemed to be that he doesn’t have a leg to stand on but he is setting himself up to start his own news empire.

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There won’t be a coup, but he also won’t concede. His staff keeps announcing to the media that they are preparing for his second term. What he’s really doing is undermining the entire election process. He’s setting himself up to say that the election was stolen (it wasn’t) so that he will never have to concede and not look like a complete asshole (in his mind). I highly doubt they are going to have to use any type of force to remove him from power. He’s just wasting a ton of time banning Biden from starting the transition process.


Thanks for the article @siand. Although it has many interesting points for discussion, certain bias (whether deliberate or just uninformed) starts virtually immediately:

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, [said on Tuesday]

I watched Mike Pompeo and his answer was only partly reported. It was skewed by the reporter. Pompeo was clearly joking, not just maybe - clearly.
He then went on to clarify by saying that there would be a smooth transition regardless of who won.

If respected publications, reporters and media can openly disinform, who are we to turn to for accurate information. So back to my original thought - if I can physically SEE the person say it, it’s about the only way I can believe it’s real these days.

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Even if every remaining uncounted ballot went for trump he still wouldn’t win. If every lawsuit he has filed is successful he still wouldn’t have enough votes to win. He’s too far down in too many states to have any chance.


He wasn’t joking. That’s been the prevailing statement out of the white house. They honestly believe that trump is going to win. I digest far more media than I should, from many different sources. Shout out to the BBC news hour. It’s my favorite. Privately I’m sure they know they’ve lost, but they will never admit it. He’s making it as difficult as possible for Biden to take over. He’s starting to gut the DoD leadership in order to weaken the national defense. That’s my main concern tbh.


So you foresee that he’ll spend at least 4 years appearing on TV, podcasts, radio, telling everyone that he really won @Englishd?

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Ah that’s interesting, I wouldn’t have known that. I always imagine the guardian to be fairly trustworthy, despite their obvious bias they do good investigative journalism.

Saying that, even with their anti-Trump agenda they don’t seem too worried about it. That is reassuring. As are @Englishd comments. Although obviously not at all good that Trump is seeking to undermine the process, I suppose it’s to be expected, I think it’s always been fairly clear that self-interest is his main interest!

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No, I watched it - he was definitely joking. He may also have been hoping it may swing Trump’s way, but he was definitely joking.

Until his dying breath


There is a bit of an anti-BBC tribe over here, from both sides of the political divide. They (the BBC) are often accused of bias. They have a really broad range of content over here, across TV and Radio, news and entertainment, so it’s kind of inevitable that people will be upset with them I guess.

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If you’ve ever got 2 hours to kill, watch this @siand:

Certainly makes me wonder how we’ll be able to trust anything apart from what we see with our own eyes.

So he’s going to follow in the footsteps of Hillary then?
And Stacey Abrams.

I think you’re right. But, as with Al Gore, he has every right to do it.

I already fill my spare time with enough stuff that makes me worry about the state of the world, am trying to do less of that not more :sweat_smile::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hillary conceded in the early hours of Wednesday after the election. She has largely stayed out of the public eye since than and has been a private citizen. Trump was investigated (by his own Justice Department mind you) for alleged cooperation with Russia’s well documented attempts to influence the election (though I still think all governments do this to foreign adversaries). Eventually he was cleared of any removable offense by a highly partisan Senate. Honestly, that was also a huge waste of money because it was pretty obvious not going to work because Republicans controlled the Senate. Interesting foot note: Mitt Romney was the first senator to cross party lines during the vote in any impeachment hearing by voting to remove trump.


You know what, you’re right. Good idea!