Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

People in perfect health I assume.

I drive a city bus, we’ve not stopped, masks are requested but not required and not anecdotally speaking, half the people that ride do not wear masks. 400 drivers at our yard, 6 cases, 1 death. I only know 2 of the drivers that tested positive, they’re back at work.

And it’s acceptable to have different views, I’m bowing out.

1 death in 400 is 0.25% Not of those infected but of the general population. Pretty close to what he number is thought to be atm. I have no idea about the usefulness of masks in fighting this. And I’m done too. Agree to disagree and all that. Have a good day @CaptAZ David.


Whatever happens is God’s plan. If trump dies, that’s God’s plan. Who am I to ask for anything different. If trump lives, also God’s plan. Who am I to ask for anyone different.

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Given the fact that he will have the absolute best access to the best doctors and treatment it’s unlikely he will die. Even with his high risk factors. What this does is show a huge chink in his armor. Many of his supporters believe him to be invincible. This shows that he’s not. It’s also going to keep him off the campaign trail at a crucial time.


You’re a better person than me. There’s nothing more I’d like to see than him being put on a ventilator. So he can actually see that this shit isn’t something to fuck with. He shoulda worn a mask…:]


Love me some jello.

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My fear and lack of fear of the virus changes daily. Last week I was feeling like its a crock of bs, but this week im feeling more concerned and fearful.

Not a paralyzing fear, but a respectful fear.

Not just because trump supposedly has it, but because many schools have opened up, and everyday 5 or 10 schools get cases.

The highschools were first. Now elementary schools are getting them.

Some schools closed. Others remain open.

My kids schools opted for online. So they are safe.

10 months later I still dont know what to believe, so I follow social distance guidelines and hope for the best.

I wear my mask, even though I doubt its effectiveness because I see so many people not wearing one or not properly.

I overheard the neighbor at my kids moms apartment complex on the phone telling someone she tested positive and her job made her take 2 weeks off. She was out and about like she felt great. She didnt appear sick to me. I didnt want to get close enough to ask her.

I dont fear catching it so much because the survival rates are high, and im healthy. I fear giving to others if I carried it.

I wish I knew what to believe.

If trump has it the irony of his lack of concern is good meme material.


Oh what a lovely thread to wake up to this morning. I just pray my God will forgive me for my thoughts about this situation. Paybacks a bitch. Keeping in mind there is nothing. Absolutely nothing that comes out of this White House that can be trusted. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.

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So obviously the hot topic at the moment is Trump catching Corona and it got me thinking. I decided to look up Boris Johnson’s approval rating history to see if it changed when he caught the virus. And well, it’s pretty interesting:

That big green spike is about 2 weeks after he caught it :thinking:

Now I’m no conspiracy theorist, and of course the political climate is wildly different in the US, but…

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I’ve been thinking about the Boris comparison a lot. Similarly for Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil: getting the virus and then recovering was something he could spin as part of his “whining about the virus is for left-wing weaklings” narrative. He got even more authoritarian power as a result. But I think the Trump case and context is different. It’s a much shorter time till the election; it’s right after millions watched him on TV mocking mask-wearing; it’s clear that he knowingly exposed many of his own people, which you’d think might be a turn off; and it’s combined with other revelations that seem as if they might possibly affect his electability in the eyes of at least some voters, such as documented tax evasion, tax fraud, and clear attempts at voter disenfranchisement. I thought it was interesting that the Trump campaign thought it was worthwhile to expose a photographer to being in the same room as him, dressed up in cufflinks and writing his name on a blank piece of paper with his favorite Sharpie, in order to show how not-sick he is; it’s interesting how hard they seem to be working to present him as the healthiest man alive, with all these totally conflicting statements about the timeline of his diagnosis. You’d think they would be trying for the “This poor old fellow is sick” sympathy votes, if they thought they could get them. But I don’t know; nothing seems predictable in this world of chaos that we inhabit.


It really is going to be fascinating watching it play out. I hadn’t thought about the Bolsonaro comparison, i’ll read more into it.

Also with Boris is was really early on into lockdown, people weren’t anywhere near as exhausted and depressed by the whole thing back in March/April.

I watched a Tim Pool video yesterday which was really funny. Joking about him walking out of the hospital in couple of weeks looking 40 years old :sweat_smile:

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I’m dying here. :grimacing: I’ve seen so many great memes on this :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. @Hailstrom @Blueroom
But I haven’t been to the political meme thread since I blocked it. And you know what? It’s been very helpful on my recovery here. But I’ve been so tempted. I should have set a counter on TS for it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Appreciate all the views.
All I know is everything out of this administration is lies lies lies lies. It’s really hard to form an opinion. But I did learn a new word, schadenfreude.
Have a great sober day.


This is where I’m at as well, almost exactly with thoughts/confusion and My kids are also going to do virtual school for all of 20/21.

Thanks for sharing, it’s nice to relate


I just read that according to the WHO, 10% of people have ( had) COVID already. I wonder how they got that number since that sound like BS to me. That would be 20 times the official count. I’d maybe believe 2,5% but 781 million people seems like way too much to me. What do you guys think about it

I think there’s probably a substantial number of people who got/have it, and never got tested. People don’t like being tracked, the lines to the testing can be large, you don’t want the “stigma” attached to getting it and so on.

I’m just a simple bus driver who people watches all day, and have no data to back any of these claims up lol

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yeah, those are some very likely points

Yeah that number is a bit large, but I could see it being double.

But what would that do for the percentages of death and survival and such