Discussion of Political Memes & Politics

I been fact checking the hell out of this one. And many others. Since we are discussing things like this. I mean, I always knew it was a mean right wing conspiracy theory but never fact checked it til now. And I use 3 or 4 fact checking websites. There’s so many hurtful conspiracy theories out there. It’s hard to prove your innocence when you didn’t do anything and you shouldn’t have to. And with the immigration laws back then it doesn’t even make any sense. However being a political meme website I reckon things like this will pop up. I got flagged on 2 of mine. I’m sorry if I offended anyone and will adjust, I don’t mean to be hurtful. And I deleted them immediately.
I still totally agree with @JasonFisher scroll past it. @siand @Blueroom your feelings are real. I love Ilhan Omar. I was offended at first too but I scrolled on by and posted the Rudy Giuliani one. I didn’t get flagged. Maybe I should have? I’m at least thinking twice before I post a political meme unless it’s trump cuz there’s so much ammo there and it is basically what he has said. Looks like I’m rambling. I’ll see my way out now.


@Dazercat I appreciated your presence on the political meme thread a lot. It was nice to see some resistance.

I’m muting all the politics now, because I realize I dislike political memes too much as a genre. They’re inherently a form in which you make unsupported assertions. There’s no way to tell the difference between those which are fact checked and those that aren’t. It’s not like reading a real investigative journalism article with sources. They seem like a very Trumpian genre: very little reading required, a rhetoric of images and playground insults. Thank you all for conversation.

I wish I felt I’d got more insight into why anyone who believes in old school Republican values, like family, responsibility, religion and hard work, wouldn’t vote Biden. But this isn’t the forum for that. Maybe I’ll never understand.


How conspiracy theories work.

Step 1: make up ridiculous claim about a public figure.
Step 2: call on them to refute it
Step 3: when they don’t, you can neither confirm nor deny.

For example.

I’ve been saying very publicly for weeks that trump has sex with farm animals. He’s quite literally a pig fucker. I learned this in a now deleted picture where his wrinkly orange balls were up in a wrinkly pink pig. As neither trump, nor his associates have provided any proof to the contrary I stand by my assertion that trump has sex with farm animals.

See how easy that is.


I’m gonna go share this with all my friends. It has to be true.


OMG, I did not know that Trump had sex with farm animals. Thank you for the information Derek. You’re correct, I never heard him deny it. It must be true. Now I’m going to definitely reconsider my vote. lol :joy: (see how that works, how easy it is.)


Continuing the discussion from Political Memes Only:

ironically enough bill gates is trying to do stuff like this and fringe idiots on the right accuse him of putting microchips in us or some shit. At this point humanity doesn’t deserve to be saved.

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The president of one of the wealthiest countries in the world is actively encouraging domestic terrorism (saying “stand by” to white supremacist groups and claiming that people who oppose fascism and racism are worse than those who support them – sic), and trying to destroy the absolute bedrock of democracy – the peaceful transition of power through legitimate elections – by claiming, again without any evidence, that voting by mail (which has been happening for generations, and which he himself does) is rife with fraud, and trying to rig the courts in his favor so he never has to leave office and go to jail. I find I’m almost as horrified by the both-sides-ism – those who really think there’s no difference between the candidates, as if the degrees of hatred, criminality, lies, bullying, entitlement, ignorance and damage to valuable democratic norms – were just the same on every side. I see that all over the memes thread right now, interspersed with baseless rumors that take on a life of their own, and all over the internet, and I find it sad and weird. I get that Trump is enabled by the whole GOP, who are astonishingly craven, and Fox/ talk radio/ people’s own social media bubbles. I get that the way to Trumpism was paved by generations of policies that protect corporations and the rich, and by generations of racism, mass media and lies. I get that the internet has made it much harder for everyone to sort out truth from falsehoods, and I get that we are in an unprecedented age of conspiracy theories. I get that the Democrats are often annoying and none of them are perfect human beings. But I still find it pretty mind boggling that there really are living, breathing human beings, people with whom I"m sure on some level I have things in common, with whom I share a world, who are probably in many ways good kind loving people, who voted for this force of evil chaos, and will do it again. I don’t mean to be aggressive or offend anyone, and of course everyone is entitled to their opinions, and very much entitled to share them, as long as they’re not hate speech or incitements to violence. Just sharing where I am. I’m sad for the US, as a country and an idea that once included notions of freedom and equality, as well as racism; I’m sad for the many people who will suffer more, if this goes on. I don’t want democracy destroyed, I don’t want even less economic and racial equality than we already have, and I don’t want a civil war. I’m sober and I’m doing a lot of yoga, and I mostly feel able to maintain something like a state of calm. At the same time, I"m honestly not sure it’s the right thing always, to be calm, in some circumstances. John Lewis got in good trouble by marching in peaceful protest, not being passive. If everybody had always been calm, in the sense of passive – women wouldn’t have the vote, we wouldn’t have the voting rights act, we wouldn’t have marriage equality, and so on. I hope, if it comes to it, there can be effective Gandhi-style peaceful protests, and I hope the US can be rebuilt.


Very well put.

I often find myself getting anxious over the complexity of the world and can see the attraction to being entrenched on one side, it just seems easier. Memes are the epitome of that oversimplification, as well as an attempt at making sense of the madness with humour (usually not to my taste! But that’s ok).

I don’t know if this helps you, but this is what I try and remember: People are complicated. The idea of sides is arbitrary - we all do good and bad things. Despite the rhetoric, there is more that unites us than divides us. There will always be things to worry about and there will always be things to celebrate.

I have also had the thoughts about acceptance v complacency re my sobriety, life and the state of the world. If I accept things as they are, does that stop me making the changes that need to happen? I think the answer I have come to, although I am sure I will contemplate it again, is that I don’t have to be responsible for fixing everything and everyone. If I start with me, give myself the time, space and clarity I need to have a clear head, then I will be in the best place to make the call on what action is needed and/ or when it will make a difference. Being calm doesn’t mean we can’t stand up against injustice when we see it :pray::sparkling_heart:


I wonder if people will start wearing more masks in USA now that trump’s got the rona

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Sweet dreams tonight :blush:


We should pray for a healthy recovery for all because we are God’s children. No matter what our political views are. Just my thought :heart:

I pray God will forgive me.


Not read this, just on my way out for a few hours, posting here to save it for later


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If it continues at this rate, it won’t stay 1,000,000

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Still not what was predicted. I know 3 people who’ve had it, and they described it as being like the flu.

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Great article, thanks for sharing :+1:

“social media, the grotesque excuse for a piazza where we are supposed to connect with people who are yelling at us”. :clap:


The severity of the virus seems to be dropping

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OK I’ll take it over here. That’s anecdotal bs sorry to say it. I know 8 people who had it. My sister struggled with it for 2 months. A colleague about the same amount of time. Both like a bad case of flu but much more persistent. Came and went for a long time. Six others I know died. Yes they were old folks.


People in perfect health I assume.

I drive a city bus, we’ve not stopped, masks are requested but not required and not anecdotally speaking, half the people that ride do not wear masks. 400 drivers at our yard, 6 cases, 1 death. I only know 2 of the drivers that tested positive, they’re back at work.