Great article and another critism I have about AA. Every meeting having to say I am a alcoholic. Great article about why this term should be thrown out;
Ive been to many meetings and you dont have to say anything just listen maybe differnt in the States
I read this whole thing and the ideas in here that Holly writes about, I totally agree with. We have a culture that idolizes booze, and I believe that the only way to break the cycle of disease is to attack big booze like we did tobacco. However, that being said, I also believe AA has evolved as well as it could. I think the 12 steps are solidly based thoughts and actions every person should take a look at, not just addicts. If only we could morph the 12 steps into something everyone could agree to!
They lose me in the first few steps. Admitting I am powerless over alcohol. That’s simply not true. 21 days strong here and I showed power over alcohol when I skipped open bar parties the past three weekends. That was me not some higher power.
enjoyed reading her take on the subject
In order to learn from your mistakes you have to admit to yourself that you made a mistake. That means admitting you are an alcoholic. Weather you like it or not, you are not in control! That’s what brought you here, you looking for help with your problem.
You may be in control, up to a certain extent… But once you pick up that drink again the alcohol takes over and bad decisions happen. You think just one drink is all I need and that turns into more and more…
Not an AA member here, but if it’s working for some folks then damn. Let them have it. In every myth there is a sliver of truth. And while I’m not powerless in the face of alcohol, I will drink more upon a single drink.
That’s the extent of that. I’ve delved into the dark side as far as books and articles and documentaries on the group go, and I am highly aware it is not for me.
I don’t think any of us need to be here to change anyone else’s viewpoint beyond just kicking some bad shit. Seriously bad shit. Physically bad shit.