Ditch Witch

Thank you :heart:

Thank you and glad to be here with you

Hey! So glad you’re here. So much of what you said rings true for me. I was also good at hiding my addiction bc I was successful etc and made terrible choices while drunk. I never crashed the car…but my god could I have…a thousand times. The amazing thing about sobriety is that once you start getting sober…you become proud of your choices…especially “ not drinking today…no matter what” I am STILL proud every single day that I make it through without drinking…and drinking isn’t even something I think about any more really. Becoming someone i can be proud of continues to make we want to act better. It’s a “vicious” cycle. Really glad you’re here💛

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Thank you. It’s good to know I am not alone in my mistakes/choices

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Update… Just passed 2 weeks sober. :slight_smile: :trophy:


Congrats on 2 weeks @Cricket89! That’s a nice accomplishment.

Welcome to the forum. I can relate to your story. I have a good job, family and house. This disease doesn’t discriminate. I said I would never drink at work. It took just one bad day at work that pushed me over the edge. I went out on lunch and drank a bottle of vodka. Unfortunately, I hit a pole on my way back to the office and got a DUI. Thank god I didn’t kill anyone or myself. That was a huge eye opener and off to detox I went. I’m still paying for that really bad decision 8 months later but I’m still sober. I use that day as a good reminder when I have thoughts of drinking.

I’m looking forward to following your journey. You have a lot of good people on this forum, cheering you on. Wishing you the best.


Thank you for sharing that. This all makes me feel not alone and is allowing me to be a bit gentler on myself. Congratulations to you for being sober.


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@Iwannaknowmesober here’s my story. I felt the same guilt you are feeling. It’s only a matter of time before your story ends up like mine. And mine could have been much worse. Just hit 3 weeks sober today. It’s felt like an eternity, but the longer I go the stronger and more empowered I feel.

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Welcome and thank you for the share. That takes guts, I’m proud of you. 1w days is fantastic because EVERY DAY MATTERS! Keep up the good work.im on day. I still have the mentality of it being day 1. Don’t let you guard down and keep on. You CAN do this!!

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Not a joke. Those are the hardest days. It got easier for me after 11.

Happy birthday!

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