DIY retreats? Any advice

Not to beat a dead horse but where I live recovery support is near zil. Or actually almost zero. I am starting to think I am dire dire need of a break or quiet time for a few days… aka… spiritual retreat. Now if you want to check into a temple there are many to be had here. But I kinda just need a few days of silence and be able to eat sleep pray recovery. I have considered checking myself into a hotel for 3 or 4 days but that doesnt really work cause I want to avoid the hotel bar option. I guess what I am asking is has anyone done a retreat on their own? What did you do? Where did you go? Was it worth it?
Again… I have really been craving a few days of calm to screw my head on. A week would be awesome …so how does one do this???


Airbnb? Are those big there?

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A friend of mine did a silent retreat at a Buddhist temple in Massachusetts. It changed and charged up his recovery.


Any tips on how to search for places like this?

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Thank you!!! :pray::+1::kissing_heart:

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I have started an annual tradition of going to a Sivananda ashram in the Bahamas each March. Here is a link to their worldwide centers.

I think any kind of search for yoga retreats, meditation retreats or health retreats might give some ideas.


Was it ok for complete novices?

Kripalu is indeed excellent!


Is there a cottage you can rent? Basically a place alone in a forest (or whatever is the natural terrain of Laos) where you can be alone to meditate etc without the noises of a city. I’ve done it a few times…do some hiking, reading, writing, eating…basically be with myself and my thoughts.


Thanks. Something like that sounds nice. Agree, I wont just go to a hotel because to tempting to go drinking I got bored. Silence would be amazing.

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Camping! !


Plus one to all the recommendations for a guided meditation retreat of any kind that strikes your fancy.

I recently did a retreat with sober people. While we had that in common, it was actually not for recovery. Only guided meditation, personal reflection, with an equal measure of socializing over food and games in between.

Some of what we took from there continues to come back months later ringing loud and true.

Now I keep my eyes out for just about any retreat. You can and should check the fine print, but most of the ones I come across are also sober events.


Beware of the ones that forbid coffee!


I got the perfect roast for ya right here, pal.
