Do any other agnostics or atheists regularly attend AA? Share your higher powers

Secular meetings are only online in my area and I like going to meetings for the in person experience and local community. I’ve primarily used the rooms themselves as my higher power as it’s a place I’ve found kindness, compassion, and people with lengthy sobriety.


Join us on this thread! We’ve got a good atheist/agnostic community going here on the forum.


I attended AA meetings mostly virtually but found the higher power and god talk hard for me to reconcile. I know it’s not impossible. Lots of folks here have used AA as part of their recovery but found their own higher power. You’ll find some discussion of that on the thread I posted.


The ocean of electromagnetic field all around us. If you are in a fast moving stream, and you struggle to go where you want, its a lot of work and who knows if there is reward - I know my path got weird and problematic. Slow down, and let it take you. Let go and let the universe universe.


I would consider myself a humanist and my hp are the connections between people.


I haven’t attended myself but there’s an agnostic AA meeting Tuesday nights on the following website. You can just listen or turn your camera on and share.