Do sober people recognize other sober people?

Today at work, a guy from my town whom I’ve known for awhile just opened up to me that he was 18 mos sober. Honestly, I thought he gave up drinking long ago. But having been on this app, I know how that goes. Anyway, I told him about my new sobriety. We had a great conversation and I mentioned this app. Neither of us has seen the other inebriated, so I don’t know what prompted his sudden revelation…unless he’s on this app, too, and recognized me! Anyway, it was kind of magical.


Magical is awesome!! :green_heart:


A patient did that to me today. We had a nice little chat about it. It was good to hear from someone who was 12 YEARS clean!


It’s a small world.

That’s cool! Not sure if it’s something sober people notice about one another, but in my experience, I’ve found people are more willing to open up when you’re sober. I worked with a gentleman, whom I respect very much, it wasn’t until I was a year sober that he discreetly shared that he was 30 years sober. I’ve known him for 13 years and never knew.

Idk, maybe soberinos are drawn to each other by some higher power… :man_shrugging:



Not too good on sensing who isn’t out there but I’ve got quite the nose for those who are still in active addiction. No, it’s not just the 30 pack of beer in their hands at 8 in the morning on Tuesday either.


I think that people who’ve been thru it, and have come out the other glorious side, just have a different demeanor to them. My big boss (as in the last boss you go to with a problem) admitted to me that he had been sober 20+ years when I confronted him about my 2nd DWI while working for him. He told me things (like the 4 DWIs he had previous) that let me know I’d still have a place there, and it comforted me. I know he 100% understands my issues. I could just tell. Since then I’ve also known his brother as a fellow AA member. It’s truly a blessing to be around those who truly understand the struggle. God bless :pray:


So cool! I have not yet have the pleasure to have this experience with sober addicts, I guess I don’t socialise enough, but I definitely have a feel for when someone drinks the way I used to.


I just wish there was less stigma around talking about it period…


I was in a restaurant once a while back after I had been sober for more than a year. The waitress asked if we wanted wine. I said that I don’t drink and casually added “any more”. She then said “Can I give you a hug?”. She had been on a similar journey. :grin:


I let people know if they ask me that im in recovery and quite a lot of the time they share they have a family member who has a problem . sometimes its a word that someone says and i reply are you a friend of bill w and had a few answers yes


Lovely story. Warmed my heart

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Miracle do work if u work it