Does any1 else get triggered by weather

Today is a cold snowy rainy day. About a year ago id be drinking and smoking pot today. This weather seems so fimilured to alcohol and pot.

My addict self creeped through this afternoon snd i was thinking some pot would be nice but then i started thinking the thc vape pen would be good

Im laying with my baby and gripping on to sobriety for myself so my baby boy never sees me like that, my wife so she doesnt get mixed up with it and my baby boy because he deservs a 100% sober dad. All of that is enough for me.

I just hate this weather


Hi there! Absolutely! Nice weather = sitting out on my terrace, and drink + smoke. I never smoked inside my house, therefore with bad weather is was easier for me to not smoke.
Last year I quit 4 months, and in May, with the nice weather, I went straight back to old habits… Therefore I’m currently on high alert! :roll_eyes:


Some people are very sensitive to weather changes and seasonal changes. If you have a history of addiction such a change in weather can just set your sensitivity off and becomes a stress trigger which then sets off your cravings.
Hope your stress lessens soon :mending_heart:


YES!! Snowstorms= Day drinking, always!! (good day for it) would be the excuse. It crossed my mind today several times. I made it out of the store & back home though without buying alcohol. Safe and sound with my kids as well. Well done on staying strong.


Honestly it didn’t really matter.
Nice weather and bbq was always and excuse for drinking.

Cold and snowy, rainy, windy too, because then I needed something to warm up.

So I guess it’s both a yeas and a No to that question.


Yeah. Warm/hot weather. Sometimes I’ll crave a cold one.


I get triggered also by weather. That and certain seasons. Particularly the fall season is when alot of my stinkin thinkin comes around, where i get triggered to use. Lately tho i have been triggered by the weather. Its strange. I thought i was the only one! Sorry ur feeling triggered. It definitly sounds like ur addict brain is working overtime to convince u that a little would be okay. But you have so much in ur life to be clean and sober for. Ur wife and child :slight_smile: plus u owe it to urself also to have a healthy sober life. Dont let ur slip up bring u down friend. Get right back up amd keep putting one foot in front of the other.