Does anyone else get sick from seeing needles

So i was an iv user for 3 months. I was watching drugs inc and seeing ppl use a needle was making me sick to .my stomach. Does anyone else have that problem.


I think whenever we see items or places that remind us of our using, it puts a knot in our stomach (at least). Using is associated with so much shame and loss for us: we were running away from ourselves and our lives. We’ve done things we’re not proud of. We’ve put ourselves and our loved ones at risk.

I find it helps me to try to stay away from things that are associated with my addiction. However that isn’t always possible - movies are movies, it’s there - so I try to communicate with the people I’m with and make my needs known; I find that openness and support is helpful.

Take it one day at a time and remember that for most people in the world, these items are just part eof a story they’re watching. You’re in the middle of writing your own story now, a new story, and you can create new, positive interests, hobbies, so that you can have new, positive responses to what you see. One day at a time.


Thank you so much
I turned it off drugs inc and watch despicable me and keeping myself busy until our chapter meeting.


Good for you! That kind of self awareness really helps. :innocent:

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Yes. Or… At least, I used to. I only got over it recently. The worst was seeing used needles on the street or something, but sometimes even seeing them in a clinical setting would set me off. I hated them.

But you know, the fact that it makes you ill is kind.of a good sign. It shows that you are repulsed by the associated memories and addictions. And that feeling of sickness will get less intense with time, i think.


Omg yes :frowning: I remember the 1st time I got blood taken after getting clean off needles and I cried in the lab. I can’t watch anything to this day of needle use and I haven’t used needles for 7 or so years


Oh i know right. :unamused: The first few times I had to have an IV put in after i got sober, my veins were in such a bad condition that i would cry too. It was humiliating,the whole thing.

But it DOES get better, the needle Association. I have no trouble with it now.


Its good to hear that the feeling goes away :slight_smile: I suppose it is a good thing that we are so disgusted with it tho lol Glad to hear that you’re on the right path girl :slight_smile:


A little Funny and very sad but true. I always had, when I was using I always had someone else do it for me while I looked away. Can’t take a blood tests without almost fainting or put my own earrings in standing in front of the mirror. (So I don’t)


I can talk about using needles all day long but the min o see them on tv it makes me hella sick. I really hope one day it doesnt bother me.


It will get easier. Its best you dont watch anything on TV/Netflix that is drug related. Out of sight out of mind. You can be triggered by anything or anyone at any time. You just have to build up your sobriety toolbox if ever comes a time your triggered in anyway , you will have the tools to get through a trigger period a-ok :trophy:. … And cartoons are always a winner in my book :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: also anything on Disney plus always brightens my day :joy:


We are watching intervention right now and seen someone shooting up. So i put music in my ears and stopped watching… Bout to go finish laundry and go to bed. Im so glad to be sober

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Hi. I’m Jesi. I respect you for opening up and sharing with us.

I am 67 days off a pretty serious IV heroin addiction, ended up a garbage can, but I digress.

This isn’t a stab at you in any way, but I know that I would not even consider watching that show at all. It is going to trigger you with every scene. You are absolutely experiencing some anxiety after being exposed to your behavior as an addict, even if it was on TV. You may not have even considered how serious it has affected you. I was an IV user for three years. I have a hard time around qtips even sometimes.

It does get easier though, I promise. I would definitely steer clear of anything that might give you memories of when you were using. We are always here to help as well.


Oh yesss! And I was shocked that it bothered me sooo much. I was at the dentist recently and saw that my painkiller was going to be given through a painkiller and couldn’t go through with it.

Now that I’m also abstaining from cutting. I am unable to look at razors, knives sharperners and screwdrivers the same way.


Oh trust me i try not to watch anything that deal w drugs right now. The thing is i live in an oxford house and i try to not stay in my room all the the time. And this one chick would always be out in the living room watching intervention.she knows it bothers me. She finally stopped watching it and now im working alot so im steering clear of those shows

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Thats for sure. Last weekend i found dope in a bathroom at a gas station. It was horrible. I gave it to my bf and he dumbed it on the ground. It made me so sick to my stomach. Anyways i dont watch alot of tv anymore. Just listen to music alot. If u like jelly roll or tom mcdonald they have alot of good music out.

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Ya it was crazy. Took alot to do that since im so early in recovery. But i dont want that life no more.


When I was discharged from detox I said I don’t want that life anymore.

I went back to clear out the hotel I was in, and still had booze and some mash ups of whatever, I was doing. A week sober i said enough is enough and dumped it all. Left for rehab. It was a very life changing moment, to say I don’t have urges every now and again would be a lie, but fighting through them is easier

Exactly. Even seeing it sends my brain into overdrive and I even start having detox symptoms at times.

Stupid powerful brain.

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I dont know if i mentioned this, but it does go away. The aversion to needles, i mean. It used to make me physically ill, start crying sometimes. But now it truly is no big deal to me, especially since i have to see them weekly when i do my mom’s heparin injections. So dont be discouraged, ya’ll. :purple_heart: