Does anyone has tinnitus?

I have it yes. Too many loud concerts over the years. Now I’m used to the constant ring. If I didnt have the ringing, it would be weird.

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Yeah, it actually helps me sleep, because I don’t hear my wife’s snoring as much.


Does anyone have pulsatile tinnitus, where you can hear feel your pulse in one or both ears??? If so have you been to the doctor about it??

Not a doctor but sounds like that could be blood pressure related

@Kammie I’ve had it my whole life, and no difference without alcohol unfortunately :woman_shrugging:

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I hoped when I quit drinking and my bp got back to normal it would stop but no such luck for me

Yeah, it never bothered me when I thought everyone heard that god awful noise all the time in their ears. No joke I was in my 30’s when I found out. I was pissed. I thought silence was eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, but no :joy:


Yes google would suggest that to, might email my doctor thanks :+1:

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Its weird when you found out that what you have is peculiar. Can imagine you were pissed!

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Even Deaf individuals have this. I believe it’s caused by stress.

There’s a song in those words…

ROCK-N-ROLL and sirens caused mine…but I kinda like it. Gives me something to do when I’m bored…

I have tinnitus. It came to me one day after going out and watching the MacGregor fight and it got REALLY loud inside. I’ve been checked by a doctor and have no hearing loss. It still comes and goes and can be triggered by several things. A loud unexpected noise like someone smacking their hands. Or also, stress can set it off. For the most part its temporary and really started noticing it more after drinking. Seems to be a side effect of my anxiety. I will keep an eye (or ear) on it as my quit progresses.