Does healing timeline change with age?

43 days, feeling okay! Still dealing with health issues (gut, liver and brain stuff) . I know everything takes time to recover from the years of poison… I have quit a couple times these past couple years, last time lasting around 70 days, it didnt feel this way… Anyway, does age play a roll in recovery time, or can having a fatty liver slow the healing process? Maybe I think too much about it all since I know this is the last time I will be going through this, but would love to hear others recovery time if they did quit many times or also have liver issues. Thanks y’all!


I think the continued damaged increases with age and as the liver being the main detox organ it’ll take longer to recover.

Congratulations on your 43 days sober. Keep on going. :upside_down_face::sunflower:


I think it depends more on how long and severe the abuse was. In 20+ years, the longest stretch I had before now, was pregnancy. When I quit in 2019, I felt physically great by a month, even after having terrible withdrawal. I relapsed after 4.5 months and my drinking became worse than ever, but my body wouldn’t accept the amount or proofs it once did. Wore myself down doing that for three more years. This time, it was about 6 months before it felt like I evened out, physically and mentally. As long as you don’t poison yourself, your body continues to heal. Be patient and take care :pray:


As you get older your body has less and less tolerance for alcohol. The damage it causes is therefore greater, happens quicker with less alcohol.
Think back to when you were in your early 20s you’d get pissed go to bed at 02:00 the get up at 07:00 to start the day, a bit worse for ware, but you were usually OK by mid morning.
If you tried doing that, at say my age (59) you’d have no chance of doing anything the following day(s) as your recovery time will be far, far longer.
As you get older the length of recovery time from any illness is, generally, longer. So damage you do to your body through drinking takes longer to repair and the repairs are nowhere near as good as they were.
Carry on drinking for long enough and there’ll be no repair and you’ll die, brutal but fact.
Take care, and don’t take the first drink that’s the one that does the damage.


Give it 90 days. You may not be 100% after 90 days, but you will feel like you’ve turned a corner. Healing takes time and yes, the older you are, the longer it takes.


Don’t worry, age doesn’t matter in the long run. As long as you’re staying sober and stopped poisoning yourself, you will heal. It might take more time than in your 20’s, but you will heal eventually. A human body is a remarkable thing! Congrats on being sober for such a long time!


When you stop drinking maybe change your diet and get exercise , Most causes is overweight and bad diet ,your liver will heal in time as long as you look after it ,wish you well


Was just thinking this exact question . Glad I came across this. Congrats on 43 + days!

I have been battling gut issues and had been diagnosed fatty liver before a previous attempt at sobriety. Went to the ER with pain twice first was my fatty liver second was fatty liver and acute pancreatitis. No joke alcohol will ruin and or kill us if we let it. I have 70 days sober this time and I still have bad digestion and some little fog here and there but overall feeling better each day. I know it takes time but the thought totally popped in my head of is it normal for it to take longer ?

Hang in there !! Let’s stick to our sobriety and give our bodies the love and nourishment they need.


Congrats on 70 days thats great! And yeah, I havent been to the point of emergency room level pain just general discomfort, fatty liver, gut issues and other stuff they caught in a cat scan, definitely think alcohol masked a lot, always being hungover and taking tylenol daily didnt help. Now I’m riding the waves of learning my body and listening to it without any medicine or alcohol… Almost 50 days though, definitely taking longer this time around the older we get! We got this!