Does hypnosis work?

I am thinking of going to a hypnotherapist because i was told it might help me in my recovery. I have 47 days clean/sober and life feels a bit wierd to be honest. I feel like i dont know who i am anymore. I have tried listening to the sleep hypnosis on youtube. Does anyone know if hypnosis/sleep hypnosis actually does anything to help with addictions?

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Thank you. I have alot too learn. I dont know how to meditate thats why i thought hypnosis because i dont need to do anything, just lay there and get hypnotised! But i guess i am not completely crazy then for listening to youtube! I will try some of the other stuff first before going to a hypnotherapist because i dont think i can afford the $400 fee right now.

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This is a great article thank you.

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I thought that video was only ok because when i listen i cant concentrate. I go through stages though. I used to listen to thomas hall heaps because i like how when he says “now relax” at the beginning he makes it sort of echo. But now i find it hard to listen to his ones.

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