Does it ever leave you

I know loosing all of those days and the thought of letting down all the people who have helped me and the sacrifices I have made along the way. Birthdays, weddings, Christmas sober would be sacrificed for nothing. There is no cure only abstinence and one isn’t worth it.
Not that I could ever just have one as as soon as the circle is broken it would be a downward spiral of royally falling off the wagon.
Stay strong stay sober :muscle:

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Doesn’t leave, but the necessity of it does. One day at a time moving towards a happier, more fulfilling life.


Learning to appreciate life in all its pure glory

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So much life to live. So much to be grateful for. As the saying goes “you can’t see the forest through the tree’s”. We get caught up on small details and forget the big picture.

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When I first started this journey I wasn’t really thinking about drinking but I was obsessing about not drinking. It was all I focused on. I just realized today that I haven’t been thinking about drinking or not drinking. I’m just living life. It’s a great feeling.


I’m sober from alcohol for 24 days now, but I haven’t touched a Klonopin in over 2 years. Out of nowhere, as I’m getting ready for bed, I start reminiscing of the feeling I get on one ??!!! At least in my case, it gets easier, but it’s always there.