Does it get better?

I’m on day 2.5 with no alcohol. This is my first real attempt at sobriety. Does it get any easier? I’ve thought about alcohol about 50 times today.

I’m a few hours shy of my 72 hour mark. The first 24 hours were extremely difficult. But last year, I went 3 months without a single drink (Oct to Jan), some days were ok, some were absolutely horrible. I started drinking again because I thought I could drink in moderation. I’m not the kind of person who drinks all day everyda, but Wednesday through Sunday afternoon/evening I would drink (my boyfriend is a full time drummer and we live in a resort town year round so going out to gigs constantly, alcohol is everwhere). I thought I could control it. But here we are 7 months later and I’m here, on this site, starting the journey to sobriety (again).

Some days will be easy and some days will be hard, but the important thing is to be strong, reach out for support, and to keep all of the advantages of being sober in the forefront of your mind. Stay strong! :slight_smile:

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Just remember,we didn’t do this to ourselves in a few days or weeks,so it doesn’t all get better in a few days or weeks. It takes time,but it improves day by day. Give it a true chance. What is there to lose,hangovers,money spent,loss of respect and self respect.

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The longest I’ve lasted is just over a month. It wasn’t all hard but then I got a bit of a blow and thought I could handle just a little of wine but I don’t handle my emotions well and alcohol doesn’t help them. I do know it gets better and feels better. Back on day 1.5 right now and look forward to the feeling better part again so I can focus on dealing more with my anxiety & depression issues in a healthier way without self medicating.

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It does get better, one day at a time… Sometimes i even break it down hour by hour, hell even 5 min at a time sometimes. Like if i just dont drink for the next hour ill be okay. And its worked. I started hitting AA meetings which really helped me. I needed help! I couldnt do it alone… id get all caught up in my head at times and then bad ideas turn to good ideas. Like the thought, i can just have a couple… yea right, if i could have controlled it, i would have controlled it when i was out there drinking, ya know… or the thought of, it’s been 3 months now, i can now drink normally. Thats NEVER worked like that for me, ever. Thats not MY reality. My reality is drinking everything ive got and getting shit faced. Most likely hurting the one i love the most repeatedly. When im drinking i eventually, may not be the first day drinking, but eventually i screw things up… never fails with me. Then it gets to the point where the bad is out weighing the good times. And I’ve had enough. I’ve relapsed many times but now have 237 days, almost 8 months. What a miracle that is! It’s truely amazing to me. I started reaching out and asking for help. If i wasnt ok that day, id say, im not ok and i want to drink. And people in AA helped me through that day… or people in my support group would talk me through it. Or i got on this app. I started working the Steps of AA and boy had that helped me. I mean, what did i have to lose? I couldnt go very long without a drink and needed some guidance really. I needed to get outside of my head, it’s crazy up there i tell ya lol. My mind lies to me, as i stated earlier (having just 1, yea right). For me some days are easier than others, but stay busy and keep busy. Thats where meetings also helped me stay busy. Arriving early, staying late, took a good couple hours of my day. And if i went to more than a meeting in a day, than that’s more time without a drink. I e need up getting a full time job, so that’s 8 hours gone. Then is hit a meeting. Thats an hour, gone. If i can do it, so can you guys. You have to want to be soccer more than you want to drink. And so far that has stayed true for me…

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It gets so much better/easier! I am almost at 8 months (don’t know the days of the top of my head) and I don’t crave alcohol. It isn’t on my mind. My mental side is pretty damn great. So YES it gets better. I had a shit day yesterday…my ex decided it was a good day to be hateful starting at 9 in the morning after the first message I decided I don’t have to drink over anyone’s bad day. I focused on my day killed her with kindness and reaffirmed my amends and the rest was on her. I went to bed feeling pretty happy with myself. I tell you this because she is the one person I may not ever get over but I’ve accepted that I created a mess. I can’t change it but I can be a better person and find my own happiness. I didn’t even think about going to buy a bottle to numb it. Early in my recovery I made a few posts about how friggen hard it was getting through moments like those. But that’s just it a moment not my lifetime.


I’ll be honest, it just gets easier to live with. I’ve been clean from drugs for years but there are days where all I want is to get crush and snort opiates then get tanked at the bar. But, my meetings, my sponsor, and my revovery material are there so I don’t do that.


If you want to stay sober it does get better ,AA saved my life there was no rehab when i came just meetings and i did a lot got on the program and the rewards have been amazing 15th next month my AA birthday its been a great journey everyone have agood day

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Not only does it get easier, it gets better. You start to see all the great stuff from which alcohol has deprived you. It’s worth the wait.