Does sobriety date change when this happens

Bottom line someone laced my Marijuana obviously without me knowing so since I did not knowingly choose to consume does this change my sobriety date?


Well, for me…how I read this, its complicated. If i read it right…you partake in Marijuana and consider yourself sober. From that point of view, if it was laced with out your knowledge…then from your frame of reference you would be sober.

For me, using any type of addictive drug or alcohol is not being sober. Marijuana can be just as addictive and destructive as any drug or alcohol.


All I can add is how I approach. As Scott said, for me sober is all or nothing. Again that’s just how I look at things.
I also look at it the same as I look at the law, ignorance is no excuse. In this case if I put myself in a position where I am taking drugs from someone that could have been laced with “something” then I am allowing myself excuses for putting myself in that situation… but again this is my opinion and I don’t think less of anyone that falters. Live and learn I say.

The great thing is you don’t lose those sober days, if that’s how you count them. You just had a stumble. The goal isn’t perfection but improving each and every day. You learned a lesson, hopefully nothing to negative came of it and you move forward…

You do you my friend…
Best of luck on the continued journey…


I live my life following the NA mindset, I don’t use any mind altering substances other than tobacco and caffeine. I don’t consider using marijuana to be sober, but that is just my opinion. Marijuana is legal in Ohio, but that doesn’t mean that I can use it. I know that for me, it will lead me back to other things. So you have to decide for yourself if you are truly sober and what your clean date is.


I have to agree with the others on here. Using any mind altering substance would count as a relapse for me (including marijuana). In order to truly be free, i have to be completely abstinent. Using any substances in any form just releases my addiction all over again.


I’m on board with everyone else. Sobriety is no mind altering substances. Just like alcohol, marijuana is a drug. Doesn’t matter whether it’s legal or not, it’s still a drug. I’d restart today and forge on.


I’m addicted to marijuana (and alcohol) and a former user of all kinds of substances. My sober date is when I quit all.


@Tracer6974 with all the input given so far, what are your thoughts?


Yes in the eyes of the court anyways it’s def NOT being sober when you use marijuana medical or not. My bf just lost his sobriety date bc someone laced his marijuana with meth. This is why they are against any and ALL mind altering substances.


I probably have a slightly differing opinion: for me it all depends on what you know you are addicted to. E.g. I wouldn’t classify an alcoholic who sometimes watches porn as not sober, as long as that person is not abusing porn and can easily do without it.
In your case, we do not know your relationship with marijuana and so it’s difficult to say. The fact that you call it “my marijuana” and that you are trying to be sober from other drugs (I think) doesn’t bode well, truth be told.

I also don’t know where you live, but can I please impress upon you the importance of buying marijuana at a licensed store if possible? And if you can, please don’t buy anything pre-rolled, you just never know what’s gone in it and it is knowingly exposing yourself to enormous health risks.

Welcome to the community, @Tracer6974, please let us know if you need help finding your way around :+1:

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I agree it isn’t 100% black and white, but I do feel porn is not the right example. So far we’ve been talking substance abuse. Porn is a process addiction, one of an endless list (i.e. buying, eating, gambling). There’s a distinction there. My opinion and conviction is that substance addiction is substance addiction whatever the substance and once you’re an addict to a substance you shouldn’t taken any substance at all.

But even then there’s a gray area I know. I drink coffee. The amount of smoking going on outside any addict’s meeting of any denomination is crazy. Smoking was the first addiction I quit. There’s a discussion over prescription drugs (use them or don’t. I think you should when needed, on prescription).


I like your point about substance vs. process addiction! Having said that, does the O in PMO not lead to a brief alteration of mind?


That’s a whole different discussion my friend. What actually is addiction? Might have to start a different thread to talk about that. Personally I feel most importantly it’s a social thing, a lack of contact, a lack of connection, a case of not being at home and at ease in our families and societies.

I feel there’s way too much emphasis on the pure technical side of addiction, on the neurotransmitters and hormones. Addiction as a (physical) disease is a simple and understandable way of being able to talk about it, but it has become too much of a dogma. IMHO.

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I’ve had to reset my cigarettes addiction today. My alcohol sobriety is still on track though. I feel like a failure. Was it a good idea to ditch both addictions at once?

Maybe, maybe not. You did the important thing though, which was not to throw in the towel on both fronts and for that I applaud you! :clap:

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