Does the fear of relapsing keep you on the edge?

Imagine you’re 2 days Sober. You wake up in the morning with your To-do list, ready to take on the World! But at the back of your head there is this really really soft voice saying “WHAT IF”.

Moreover you stay alone (it’s college & they’ve given you single bed rooms). Miles away from home. The substance of addiction right in front of you or maybe even locked away but the keys are with you (you can’t give away the keys :blush:).

Any thoughts? Insights? Relatable experiences? Recoveries? Dealing strategies? Please feel free to vent/comment.

If there’s another post about this, please let me know.

I think of sobriety like a fork in the road. Early on in sobriety that old road we know so well is still very close and so it’s easy to jump back on it. But the further we walk the road of sobriety it begins to veer away from that old road, and after while we can barely see that old road. But there are always pathways that will lead us back if we’re not careful.

Being 2 days down your new path, it is easy to fall back, and your inner voice may even try to convince to go back, don’t listen. One foot in front of the other with 100% focus on what’s in front of you, not behind. You’ll get there, just one step at a time.


Agree with what Dan :arrow_heading_up:wrote so much. 100% focus and commitment is required. Keep at it and the WHAT IF slowly turns into WHAT IF I can truly & finally be the best possible version of me and leave the addiction behind forever. Good luck - stay here and keep reading. It truly helps. Check in daily!


Can’t say anything any better than Dan and Tom.
The first few weeks were hard for me, but I just kept at the front of my mind the reasons why! The feelings of guilt, shame anger, both at myself if I did drink and how I would feel afterwards.
It was not the easiest thing I have done, but I knew if I didn’t, I would eventually loose everything!
Now, I’m so glad I did. It was the best thing I have ever done!
Stay focused, stay strong and find something else to do!:grinning:


I feel this way at times, as well, so know you are not alone haha :wink: The thing that helped me, at this stage of recovery especially, was keeping a goal in mind at where I want to be. I have been trying to reach a single month (would be the first one in my life, haha), and now at 21 days I am quite proud to have almost reached it.

And let me tell you: this feeling of achievement is a far richer feeling than the one I thought I had in my addiction :slight_smile: So keep at it; and when you get somewhere closer to where you want to be, make sure to celebrate the occasion.

…Who knows: maybe I will get addicted to setting a longer streak in my sobriety haha jk :wink:


I agree with the others above, so I give you some practical advice. I have a kind of sober plan wich works for me. Maybe you find things in it wich can help you too:

  • No alcohol in my house
  • Refrigerator filled with nice food and alc. free drinks
  • Telling my spouse about my sober plan
  • Avoid alcohol related activities and friends (at least in the beginning)
  • Having a day counter
  • Avoid wine/beer section in the supermarket and avoid liquor store
  • Taking a strong vitamine B complex
  • Taking melatonin to help me sleep
  • Be gentle to myself, like go to bed early, taking a long bath, etc.
  • Doing relaxing activaties like meditate, yoga, walking, etc.
  • When I have cravings: I don’t pick up that first one but I walk, run, work out, eat chocolat, watch Netflix, clean, study, whatever.
  • Ask for help when I need it.
  • Be here every day to read and check in sober.

I wish you well :heart:

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Go to a meeting and make sober friends is always my plan.