Does this count? (v2)

I also got reactive to comments to my relapse post at first. Sober people still have different personalities, and the range of attitudes/language/insights one person uses doesn’t always have to rest well with you personally. We’re all humans. I personally think hardlined irish cop-esque language is useless (this was my perception of some of the responses I received), but the good intention is there, and accountability is one thing all sober people should seek, so I understand their analogy as it relates to justifications. Not my cup of tea either but still a useful thought


Not a dumb question. You were trying so give yourself credit for that. I wouldn’t get so caught up day counting and relapsing you’ve started down the sober path no need to be so hard on yourself. Your on the right track. :+1::smiley:

It comes down to the fact that things were said that you felt uncomfortable with. Honesty is the key here.
You were honest enough to ask the question, but you were given answers that your alcoholic brain took offense to.


Yes it was, why didnt you ask for a ginger beer still got beer in the name wish you well