Doing good today!

So I have to say today is very positive for me! I’m almost at 3 day I’m only an hour and 15 mins from 3 days. I love spending time proving to myself I can do better with making dinner for my family and my neighbor who is just getting by. Tonight I made grilled broccoli and cauliflower in a garlic butter sauce I made as well as, mini potatoes mixed in olive oil and seasoning I mixed myself and grilled on the bbq as well wrapped in foil and then I had marinated chicken I had marinating for a day and then sliced into the pieces I needed to use for skewers and cut red onion and bell peppers to match on the skewers and I did all that while holding my nephew on my hip except getting close to he grill and he wanted nothing more than to be on my hip and he giggled the whole time hah. That’s the things in life that make the simple things whole again! That’s the fight I know is worth it! I know my dads smiling down on me!


Congratulations on your 3 days Jessica. That’s a lot to be grateful for. Keep up the good work.
It’s so worth it and so are you.


That sounds like a good day

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Awesome! Skewers sound so good right now! Keep pushing! I’m on my 32nd day and today was a good day for me as well! You’re strong you can push through it. Keep moving! :muscle:t4::100::grimacing:


Yay! I like seeing posts like this. Glad that you found a way to enjoy your day. Sounds like a great meal, too.


Now I’m hungry :grin:, good on you, I bet your meal was fantastic and you felt fantastic for you :+1:


Sounds like we had a similar day!! :heart::heart: Good job!!


Keep pushing! I’m trying my best to be my best I’m not going to slip back to my darkest…and everyone should fight for that light at the end of that suction that alcohol has on us! Maybe tomorrow there will be a rainbow or maybe even a double rainbow! And if not squirt the hose towards the brightest spot in the sky! We all make our own rainbow after all! :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:


Congratulations on 3 days :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful to hear!! Cooking and baking can be so meditative…with a yummy bonus at the end.