Doing this for too long!

Hi all - I’m new to this and generally don’t post things on social media or chat rooms….

I have been drinking alcohol for more than half my life (I’m 41) and often to excess. I have a great wife and kids and a good career. I don’t drink during the day when working but will hide the amount I drink at home and when out with friends from my wife. This has to stop!

I’m also on Setraline to manage stress which doesn’t mix well with alcohol either.

I’m so nervous about stopping as in my mind it has become part of my DNA / who I am. A drink was always something I could turn to too manage both the highs and lows.

I’m not sure what I’m looking for from this post but I guess it’s cathartic when you lay things out.

Your support will be appreciated throughout this process!


It’s so worth it!


Welcome! This place has been a huge help for me to not pick up a drink.

I felt that drinking was who I am too. It was hard to imagine life without it. I tried really hard to make it work for me long after it became a problem.

Its not who I am. Its who I was. The person I am without it is much better than who I was while drinking.

One day at a time I have become comfortable as a non drinker.


Maybe try a meeting they will help wish you well


Welcome to the forum!!!
This community plays a major role in my recovery, I hope you find the same love and support here that I have. The link below has some valuable threads.

Welcome to the forum! 2021 edition :slight_smile:


Glad your here! Lots of support. I also thought it was part of my DNA. I was born into a family of alcoholics and I was just keeping that tradition alive. I was really good at it too :wink: The last few years I’ve absolutely hated it but still drank because I had programmed myself to except it. I’m learning that I don’t need a drink to get me thru the highs and lows. You can do it too! Just think about not drinking today. Don’t worry about tomorrow :blush:


Welcome James. Lots of good advice here already on this thread, above; you’re not alone.

Take it one day at a time :innocent:


Hi there, I’ve also been doing this for a very long time and I just realize that it has to stop if I want to stay around here and be healthy for my family and friends that it’s time to stop. I’ve also realize that I’m tired of alcohol controlling my emotions. I’m also a closet drinker as well. I don’t drink everyday but when I do have a drink I make up for those days that I haven’t dranked. Please take it one day at a time. I’m on my fourth day and this app has really helped me and to know that I’m not alone makes a world of difference. I’m actually excited that I’m stopping. I’m going to use my energy and time to do things that I never have before. Keep us posted on how your doing.


Welcome to the forum, James. There’s plenty of great information and people here.


Thanks for all the positive vibes! Been to the gym tonight and ready for day 2.


Keep it going James. Focus on this day and this day only. Have you got rid of the alcohol you hide in your house? It helps a lot when there is no temptation around! For that reason I stripped my house from all the alcohol and empty bottles. I also avoided every alcohol related event for the first 3 months ore so of my recovery.
I’m sober for almost 3 years now, you can do that too if you work hard for it.
Shall we stay sober together today? :facepunch:


My identity was also tied in with drinking.

Just because I quit doesnt mean I get manicured and wear tucked in shirts. Im still pretty much the same guy, just a lot happier and more helpful to others.

Oh, and those problems I too used to use cope with? They actually dissapear instead of incubate.

Wish you the best and were all here for you. If some of us could do this, you can to, trust me on that one.

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Thanks Buts. All alcohol has been removed from the house. I agree that’s a key step to succeeding.