Don't know what to write - TW alcohol

Got the news today that after 170 days sober including 140 days in a rehab, social services still won’t let me see my son. Feels like I’m wasting my time, what’s the point. Times like this I’d get really drunk and it’s all I can think of right now :sweat:. Lost all motivation and hope. First thing I did was come on here.


I’m sorry for the bad news. You are closer to seeing your son now then you were 170 days ago, keep going. Keep doing the next right thing and you will be reunited eventually. Don’t give up on him or yourself by giving in. Show them that you wont quit trying. Sending strength and love.


If you get drunk, you will not be able to see your son again any time soon, that’s for sure. Stay the course, stay sober and things WILL come around and get better! :heartpulse:
The point is, you deserve a life of joy and happiness and peace and sobriety and love and family. Being sober, whilst it may take time, will bring you these things you deserve :blush::heartpulse: stay strong


I’m sorry about the bad news. But you will see your son if you do not drink…. stay strong! We are here for you.


I know thats properly upsetting but youve got to be doing this for you aswell as to see your son, i know its hard when us alcos are hard wired to head straight for the drink when we are upset but youve got to find another way of dealing with stuff, its not a no from them forever youve just got to keep going and prove to them and yourself that u are recovering enough to not go back to the drinking


What a blow. I agree with others, you are closer than you would be if you had not made all the progress you have already. Stay with it! You got this!


Thanks for the support guys. I’m crashing big time. Just laying on the bed in silence. Gotta get a grip ffs


Ever screamed into a pillow? Its very therapeutic


Its a really good thing that youve come straight on here, thats progress in itself, its not easy to reach out, keep talking here, get the shit thats in your head out …we are all here to help and listen friend


Have you been participating in AA? The 12 Steps help us in learning how to deal with challenging times. Hang in there.


You can’t get closer to your goal by giving up. I’m proud that you put a sober head on your pillow. Keep doing that. I’m sorry today stunk.


I’m really sorry for these news. Sending a lot of hugs. If anything, write to me. :frowning::heart:

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Yup, it helps to me. :pray:t2: But if you don’t have energy to do it, then stay in bed in silence. Just please stay safe please. :pray:t2:


How are u doing?


I’m ok thank you

On day 174 now, but still feel low.

Went for a long walk yesterday but didn’t really enjoy it. It feels like the novelty of being sober has worn off and I’m now just an average person like everyone else that’s not an alcoholic.

No intention or urge to drink though, so that’s good I suppose.


Novelties always wear off. This is your sober life now you just gotta build from there…get to know yourself again…what are u interested in etc? Beats being homeless and on the brink of losing your life surely?


Yes, I’m definitely appreciative of my current situation and I’m proud of my achievements. It’s taken so much effort to get here and I have truly been to the bottom believe me.
I suppose I need to be grateful for being alive and not look for other people’s validation of my recovery, as they have no idea what strength it has taken to climb out of the hole I was in.
Hard to not feel like I’ve been kicked when I’m down though.


Recovering people are the strongest people i have the pleasure to know but i only know that because i am one myself thats why we need each other because we get it, youl never get that validation from a normie because they dont understand why you cant “just stop” my mother is still like that but shes never been addicted to anything so how could she understand? You should be really proud youve come so far, be on here with us more cos we all get it


So, your probably used to all the psychology stuff where you are but i just wanted to share this with you as its genuinely helped me to see the world a bit differently…i also read something recently which made sense to me…be it trauma, bad childhood whatever happens our brains physically create neurological pathways to cope with things hence when something bad happens we tend toward going back to those old coping strategies that are hardwired…what i didnt know was that if you made those you can also create new pathways, its an actual physical thing, kinda like a new mindset…seems strange at first and takes practice but its a choice to start seeing the positive over the negative…ive been doing it a while now and im starting to do it automatically…

To give an example…its only a small trivial thing…my daughter just started swimming lessons, she loves her teacher hes loads of fun…however the teacher for her next block of lessons is different…initially i felt dissapointed for her when i found this out and would have probably been pissed off about it before but then i thought actually what if this teacher is better? Its a new person for my daughter to have experience with, it might be a positive…pull the positive out its usually there if you look for it