Double digits - 10 days!

I joined this group a few days into my sobriety journey and have been quietly lurking. The couple of posts I did make had such lovely responses and really helped me through some tough moments, it was so appreciated :purple_heart:

I am 10 days sober today and I’m in a strange space of awe, excitement, and fear. My relationship with alcohol is complicated, I was raised by a narcissistic alcoholic mother who was emotionally abusive and did a lot of damage I’ve never truly faced before. I always swore I’d never turn to alcohol.

But it didn’t take me long as I grew up to learn that I had an addict nature. I can get addicted to anything and have struggled long term with food addiction, pills, self harm, tobacco, caffeine, you name it. I managed to steer clear of alcohol until 2020, when it became my spouse and I’s coping mechanism through lockdowns.

Since then, I’ve felt trapped by drinking. To some, my consumption might not seem extreme but to me it was not the way I wanted to live. No matter how hard I kept trying though, quitting felt more and more impossible.

This post has already gotten long so I won’t go just now into how much therapeutic work I’ve done to finally get to this spot but it’s safe to say it’s been a long and difficult road. I’m here though, 10 days sober and I have hope that I’m ready to embrace new and healthier coping techniques now. One day at a time it feels easier and easier.

Thanks for reading my story, my job is one in the public that makes getting in person support difficult. The support of this community and many great recommendations for online groups has really been so helpful. I’m looking for any contacts who are interested in messaging and supporting one another, maybe people who resonant with my story.

Feel free to reach out and much blessings to you all :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Congratulations on your 10 days and thanks for sharing. :people_hugging:

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Congratulations on double digits! Those first few days are rough! So proud of you! Welcome to TS! This place has been instrumental in my sobriety! I relate to you with easily becoming addicted and having multiple addictions (self harm, disordered eating, tobacco, cocaine) but coming here and really diving in and reading around has gotten me to 645 days sober and over a year free from self harm!
We’re here cheering you on! You got this! One day at a time :people_hugging::heart:


10 days… WOW… you’ve already done the impossible, keep going it’ll help you to cope with the possible.

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Well done for the double digits Brie :confetti_ball:
Keep those milestones coming up, we are here to celebrate them with you!
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Congratulations on 10 days already. :confetti_ball:

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Yay! Congratulations on double digits! :tada:

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Congratulations on your double digits :tada::tada:. Way to go on breaking the ties with alcohol. ODAAT :muscle:t4:. Keep up the amazing work friend… good to see you posting :blush:

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Congratulations on 10 days, that’s great work! My drinking got out of control in 2020 too. Keep up the good work! :smiley:


How are doing? Is it 11 days now? Sending you strong energy to keep on your sober journey.


Thank you @tailee17 ! Yes! 11 days now! I’m feeling really good, evening times (my main drink time) can still be a little hard and the urges linger but they feel less intense.

Trying to keep it at a one day at a time mindset so I don’t get too far ahead of myself :purple_heart::smiling_face:


Congrats on ten days! That’s an awesome accomplishment! :two_hearts:

Congratulations and welcome to the group!