Drawn to a higher power

I find that when I was drinking I was more drawn to darkness aka demonic movies , books and general darkness , and now that I’m 6 days sober I’m drawn to things of light, Goodness … filling my mind with things that make me happy. Is it just me or does anyone else find this happening.


Yes absolutely the same for me too! I really enjoy positive things now, anything bright in color, positive energy from others etc. Whereas in the past, when I was using, everuthing was so serious and negative and toxic.


Exactly everything before I was drawn to was so dark and negative and scary especially when I was drinking I would watch the exorcist for exorcist movies and now that I’m not under the influence those things scare me and I’m drawn to happy things good things light things.


Alcohol is a depressive so It’ll draw you to the darkness
I went to really dark places when I was drinking
Now i’m’a really positive happy person
I can see the light and good in the world


That makes a whole lot of sense … It makes me think of how people come under a different influence when highly intoxicated almost as if they take on a different spirit. I know for myself that when I was under the influence I was definitely not myself and making decisions that I would never make with a clear mind.

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That’s what alcohol does to people it makes them really dark and angry and spiteful everything that is wrong with humans thats what alcohol feeds on
It loves the darkness
I went to very dark places and said and did very dark things none of which i would ever do or ever see myself doing sober
Alcohol loves the darkness inside all of us and It’ll lie to you constantly just to get a bit of it

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That’s why I’m loving the light right now. I’ve actually started drawing again. What are some positive things that you do with your time? If that’s all right to ask. :smiling_face:

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What a great and insightful and thoughtful post. I never quite thought of that, but I do see the sense, logic and myslef in that headspace.

Very interesting.
Thanks for the perspective

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It’s something I have noticed over the years … much happier with Light. :sparkles::sparkling_heart:

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I try and help people wherever I can
I do volunteer work for charities
I am a animal rights activist and a climate change activist
I design tattoos for people and I’m trying to find local sobriety groups i can join so that i can help people stay sober and maybe help inspire them


All those things are very lovely. I wish we had sobriety groups here… or I guess just more sober friends in general. I definitely don’t hand out with the same group I used to.

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I don’t know any sober people that’s why I want to find sober meetings
I know how hard it is to be alone in sobriety


At least I have Cats :cat2: :black_cat: :smiling_face:

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They’re lucky to have you :grin:

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Definitely the other way around :laughing::smiling_face:

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I’ve always tried to see the positive side of things, rather than expecting the worst, but that seemed impossible while I was actively drinking. It felt like I was just sinking deeper and deeper into darkness, constantly ruminating my mistakes with no hope for the future. Once I quit it was much easier to take a step back and access my negative thoughts and realized what a waste it was to dwell upon those feelings. Instead I looked for all the positives I could find, and now it’s just second nature. Congrats on 6 days :clap: Nice to have you aboard :grin:


My negative thoughts have been lessening as well. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Button. I wake up and don’t feel the desire to just lay in bed and avoid the day. I wake up thinking that something good awaits me if I get out of bed.

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I think maybe the meaning of life is to live :smiling_face::sparkles::sparkling_heart:, creating positive action in life.


Thats what I realised when I got sober
That the meaning of life is to live life and experience everything this world has to offer

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To enjoy the he moments :sparkles:

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