Dreams of Past Behavior

Good Morning TS Friends…I’m coming around the corner on two months AF, and last night I had the most vivid dream…and it was so reminiscent of behaviors my former self was notorious for…hiding (trying to hide) alcohol from my family.

In the dream I had a half pint of whiskey and placed it to my lips once where I barely tasted it, and I all of sudden heard my dad coming through the house…in the dream I felt the anxiety…the fear of being caught, and quickly opened the fridge and stuffed the bottle under some food items I was looking to toss.

He rounds the corner and questions me…I fumble for the BS excuse for why I’m standing there awkwardly, and he doesn’t seem convinced. Before I know it my husbands there and I somehow manage to half get them to believe my pathetic story, and I tell my husband I have to get the trash out…he says he’ll do it, but I insist I will…

I open the fridge and grab up the things I want to toss with bottle shoved in between so it can’t be seen…

I manage to push it into the kitchen bin…and I breath the deepest sigh. The trash get tied up, and I go with my husband to the trash yard to make sure he doesn’t check the bags…he doesn’t, and I woke up.

I hated that version of me…I hated feeling all that right before I started my day, but I’m so thankful that I chose to NOT allow that to be my life anymore.

Has this happens to anyone…any similar stories?

Happy Friday friends…stay healthy and be blessed. :blush::raised_hands:t2::ocean::sun_with_face:


I had a really vivid “drunk-dreaming” episode a couple of months back, as I recall. I woke up feeling absolutely convinced that I had in fact got quite drunk the night before, I was even sure that it was with the help of cognac.
So as I sat in bed thinking about it, and being pissed off at myself and hating myself just a little more than usual, I started thinking about what I had done the day before (which hadn’t included buying any cognac or anything else), and I realised with some relief that it has been a dream.
I think that dreams like that fade away in time… well in my case, anyway, I haven’t really had any dreams like that since then.


I know I’ve had a few, but thankfully I don’t remember them now as vividly as you’re remembering yours. I know I dreamt at least once that I was waking up with a hangover. Then when I actually woke up, I did feel slightly hungover, and I was very confused and very upset for a moment. When I fully came to and realized I was not hungover at all and it was just a dream, it was such a relief!!! :blush:

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Our minds run rampid. I recently had a dream that I was going to get totally f’d up just one night. I woke up wondering what the hell I did. Phew! 118 days and still counting! Be well everyone… :slight_smile:


I just had one last night for the first time. I was sneaking a tall boy, drank the whole thing (duh) and then was acting like it wasn’t a big deal, I can still count my sober time, after all- it was just one- I must be cured!
I woke up so confused and it took a while to realize I was not hungover, just waking up. What a relief. I would have been so pissed at myself. :expressionless:

I’m sorry you had to wake up feeling that, but OMG…I’m glad I’m not alone with random mess with your head dreams!

The feelings of anxiety were so real. Just like in reality when I drank the hiding was torture.

That’s always one thing I am grateful for everyday…not feeling like that. Not hiding and scheming just to have a buzz or worse just to get wasted.

None of it is worth feeling like that…none of it is worth doing to people who actually care.

I’m so happy their just dreams for all of us now!

Thank you for letting me know I’m not alone @NeverJust1 @anon27700620 @StayStrong

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Hate the dreams, but so glad that’s all it was…hey, congratulations on 118 days!

Kicking ass and taking names my friend! I’m so proud of you…so proud of us all for climbing this mountain!

Blessings my friend!

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