Drink alternatives?

Anyone have any drink substitutes they enjoy? I’m on day 3 and so far have been finding plain tonic water on ice to help—it’s just habit maybe to have something in the evening. Just want to find some healthy alternatives.


On day 4 and I hear you. I ordered some adaptogen drinks that are coming today, I’ll let you know how they are.


On the beverage side - I like Martinelli’s, seltzer water on ice. I also found I like fruit sodas - as in I add a bit of pomegranate or orange juice concentrate to my soda on ice. But I also started thinking about alternates like exercise and journaling and music-with-a-novel or a walk in the park as part of the package of alternatives.

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Here’s a fun thread from a while back to check out :+1:t3:


What was your go to drink in the past?
I’ve been trying to replace beer… Big fan of Spindrift flavored seltzer‘s and topo Chico lime seltzer water. I recently discovered Heineken 0.0% that I think I will forever be in love with on football game days.


I love Lime or Lemon La Croix fizzy water.

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That Topo Chico lime mineral water is my fav!

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Anything and everything… wine, beer, or mixed drinks were an indispensable part of my evening routine.

Thanks for the ideas everyone — I’ll try some of them tonight.

Combucha! It’s natural and delicious :slight_smile:


Tonic water was my go too as well. I did add cordial to it every so often but the tartness of it really satisfied my cravings for booze in the early days.

Now I am a tea hound, all sorts of teas. I am looking forward to making pitchers of iced teas this summer.

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Does drinking non alcoholic beer affect count against my sobriety date

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Zero alcohol means just that - you are not ingesting any alcohol with nonalcoholic beer (as long as it states on the label 0% ABV) so your sobriety date doesn’t come into it. However, there is a lot of debate about the pros and cons. Here is a thread you might want to check out for some people’s perspectives on it:

Within that thread is a link that @SassyRocks posted about frequently asked questions from newcomers. That’s definitely worth checking out.

Edit - here’s the direct link:

And welcome to the forum! Glad you posted your question.


Thank you im in NA but we don’t have a forum where we can ask such things anonymously id hate to go to my sponsor and he tell me I gotta change my clean date I have 6 months clean and serene and just drank a few 0% alcohol beers

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Yes,Kombucha is a favourite of mine too!
Good for the gut-contains good bacteria if l remember rightly.
Fizzy, lots of nice flavours,so hits the spot for not being boring.
Less sugar than soft drinks and tonics.
Apparently stabilises Blood Glucose Levels,so good option for diabetics and those trying to watch their weight.
Feels a bit more of a grown up drink than lemonade or Coke. Most kids will turn their nose up at it once they realise it has fermented bits in it…and when you mention the ‘mother fungus’!:rofl:

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I am not sure why your sponsor would say that. You didn’t drink alcohol or use any substances. However, if you feel like there is something more to it, it would be smart to talk to your sponsor about it. Honesty is important and they should be able to work through your concerns, if you have any. Highly doubtful you would be resetting because there was no drug/alcohol use, but I don’t have experience in NA. You could always start a new thread/topic and pose your question to the forum because there are plenty of people here who are in NA. That way you don’t derail the original poster (OP) thread topic more.

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Seconded, Heineken 0.0 is a great substitute for the real thing. Its great on bottle and acceptable on can. I highly recommend buying bottles for football games and such :slight_smile:


I honestly got a little teary when I realized it didn’t taste horrible 🥲


Same and same. I’ve had some of the alcohol free wines and they don’t do it for me. They taste like day old/flat wine.

I drink a lot of bubbly and La Croix, been healthier than my soda habit, and they don’t taste that bad.

Some people prefer nA beer and wine but I don’t think I could go that route but each to their own