Always looking for new na drinks to keep my taste buds happy! Post what na drink you’re sipping on today!
My all time fave when I’m sober (the big can tricks my tiny brain into thinking im drinking a 24 ounce pbr) Arizona Arnold Palmer
Elderflower presse. Lovely.
Protein Shake! Sober I actually have the energy and time to focus on my health and fitness
Simple water…H2O…
LA Croix orange
Beach day for me today, grapefruit la criox did the trick! Plus a gallon of water.
Plain tonic water and lime, love!
I had a smoothie with wheatgrass, frozen peaches and berries, and Amazing Grass superfood powder Looked like and sort of tasted like it too
Oh I wish I still had mine for a pic
I had a white cranberry mixed with ginger ale and club soda…in a champagne flute to make it fancy.
Earlier I had a spiced up Motts Garden Cocktail (like a Bloody Mary or Caesar)
Ginger Kimbucha
Iced coffee with protein powder mixed in…like a caffeine smoothie.
I love Perrier, or any carbonated water. Gives me the sensation of drinking a beer with 0 calories. I actually picked a pack up not even 30 minutes ago.
Where do u find your wheatgrass??? @ClearSky
I just had this for the first time the other day!!! I’m obsessed with the cheap spring Time water lol
I love yogi tea, I drink it daily! Bedtime is super good!
Just downed a glass of chocolate milk.
My go to drinks other than coffee
La Croix coconut
A new find! They sell it at the natural foods store and it’s packets of wheatgrass that are frozen! Thaw a packet and bam. It’s called “Evergreen Wheatgrass Juice.”
Their Marketing worked, i bought it because of the art! Lol
Exactly why I bought it
Also why I bought that pretty crest 3D toothpaste in the pretty blue box damn marketing