Drink dreams

It’s quit normal, I had them to in the beginning of my sobriaty. It was always a big relieve when I woke up and find out that it was just a dream. I think it’s our mind who is still adjusting to the new situation. Missing his doc.

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I would see the fact that you experienced the shame and all the negative stuff in your dream as a positive thing. I don’t know how dreams work but the fact that even when your brain is doing the random dream stuff, it keeps that association that drinking = bad means that you have changed the narrative around how you see alcohol. That’s how I choose to look at it anyway :blush:

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I have these often. They don’t go well. I’m totally wasted and see how stupid I am and drunk but sort of happy and upset all at once. Often wake up feeling hung over and guilt like i messed up…and than the anxiety kicks in again. I’m glad you asked this question. The thread of replies is interesting. This group has been helpful in letting me know I’m not the only one with some things going on. Thanks again for putting it out there. Keep the energy going on your journey!

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