Drinking alcohol

I’m currently 4 almost 5 months clean. i still wish I could drink so bad. i miss feeling drunk. it’s hard to deal with these feelings.


I can definitely relate, just with drugs not alcohol. Had 4 going on 5 months sober over the summer, then ended up using beginning of September. I’m back at 106 days again, and the cravings come and go, but yesterday they were really bad. The hardest things are finding worthwhile ways of passing the time, and support/social connections.

Do you go to any AA meetings?

By the way, stay strong, it will get better.


Keep going my friends your goals are mine! i’m only sober for like 5 days i feel pretty strong tho (i was on alcohol and m€th) but my problem is my workplace is full of with addicts. So thatswhere the problem starts but i have to prove them that our job is possible without any hard drugs or drinking!


Good luck man. You got this.

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Good work on almost 5 months sober @bugshead

Ive been strugling with pot for a qupple days. I have 6 days without pot then 223 no alcohol and 154 no ciggs or vaporizors. I do however use nic lozenges

I could use any excuse to pick up but no matter the excuse, im always back here wishing i didnt pick up. Thats the only thing thatvreally keeps me sober. No matter what, i always regret picking up. Picking up can be exosting also

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Filling your time is key! I am almost at a year free of alcohol and I still have a craving every now and then but most days I’m tired from work and all the stuff I do in my community that I just want to go home and put my feet up. I have found I am more productive without alcohol and I have set all kinds of goals and endeavors and am actively seeking them. Freeing yourself from addiction can feel negative because there’s a void but the positive is you can literally do anything you want! I often think of how much time and money I wasted in bars and at stores and I had things I wanted to accomplish but they seemed distant and far away and I often used that as an excuse to drink. I would think “man I’ll never get there with the things I want to do, might as well drink so I don’t think about it.” Now I get antsy if I waste time because I want to achieve my goals. For instance, I’m working on writing a book. I started it during my drinking days and it seemed insurmountable. I quit drinking and pages started flying to the point it’s really becoming a legitimate thing I’m going to accomplish! Find something you love and pursue it with the time and energy you used to use toward drinking which really didn’t gain you anything.


I sometimes find myself romanticizing what drinking was like; but when I find myself doing that, I immediately remind myself of what always actually happened - feeling like shit, embarrassing myself, and missing out on life the next day.