Drinking dream....out of the blue and quite unsettling

I don’t recall how long it’s been since I had a drinking dream so this one caught me a bit off guard. But what upsets me about this one is that instead of accidentally forgetting I was sober and the feeling guilty for drinking this time I was actively feeling like “I don’t care, I want a drink and I’m going to have a drink”. Fortunately it wasn’t “I wanna get drunk”, it was just one drink. But there was no feeling of guilt at all.

I did wake up with some guilt until I could convince myself it was just a dream. So I guess there is that.

But still…am I starting that slide towards relapse? First my subconscious, next real life??


To me this seems like a signal that there’s something in you that needs loving attention. In my own case when I find myself fantasizing about my DOC, it doesn’t mean I’m fated to fall into it. It does mean there’s something in me I need to put attention to. (I am using the word fantasy here to mean something not real and not realistic and/or healthy. Fantasies are different for everyone, but what they all have in common is being not real, and being an escape mechanism.)

At times like that I take a feelings inventory:

I find going over how I feel, about whatever in my life - whatever feelings I have, no judgment; often I surprise myself - helps me to better understand what I’m running from with my fantasy. Then I can explore them a bit:

Take care & be caring and kind to yourself :innocent:


Hello lovely I think it’s great you are worried about the dream incase of a relapse it shows with u sharing this thought that u really don’t want to do that … I’ve been told in the past its only a dream it’s not real life it took a long time for me to get to grips with that . Btw I don’t mean it’s great your worried I hope u know what I mean x


This one is another good one, maybe even more relevant to you in this:

Thank you. I’ll need to do some thinking on this one. I’ll check out those resources.

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About 2 years into not drinking i had a dream where I raged hard and in the dream I was loving it and didnt care at all. It wasnt till I woke up paniced like “what have I done?!” That i felt any guilt. I wouldn’t worry unless it becomes some reoccuring thing. Dreams are weird and thoughts in dreams can be just as weird. Thats just how I see it :upside_down_face: