Drop Your Favorite Sobriety Related Books HERE!

My top three favorite books on recovery are (obviously) the Big Book of AA, Refuge Recovery; a Buddhist path to recovering from addiction written by Noah Levine and One Breath At A Time; Buddhism and the 12 steps written by Kevin Griffin. I’ve read them all a few times over the last four years and I’m about to read them all again during this quarantine to re-familiarize myself with that knowledge to make the most of my time. They are a powerful tool for anyone who wants to become more spiritually connected with the universe.

What are some books that have helped you in your journey? Let’s help each-other out! Please list the name of the books, author and why you are recommending the books. Thanks guys!


Dont know if theyre considered recovery relates but I read “Happy for No Reason” by the lady who wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul and it helped me quite a bit in early recovery. Im currently reading Unfuck Yourself by Gary John Bishop its morenof a self help book but also translates to recovery for me. I also found chapter 3 Three Foot World in No Hero by Mark Owen to be a great real life example of living one day at a time and reference it often.

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