Dropped in just to say Hello!


I just wanted to reach out to everyone using the app and say Hello!

I am starting my journey today to a life without alcohol. I am struggling for a while but I think this thime things will be different.

I knew that I had a problem but for a very very long time i decided to ignore it. I always had a good time when drinking and did it often basically all my stories started or included at some point alcohol.

In April this year I decided that enough is enough so I started the process. As you may imagine it is very hard because drinkin become my routine. I could stayed sober for 2 days but pretty much that was it. The fact that I work from home isn’t a big advantage because I know deep down that I can lay in bed all day if I feel bad.

After hard work I managed to not drink at all durink work days but in the weeknd Friday 5 beers Saturday 4 beers Sunday 6 beers (somewhere around these numbers)

This time I feel that something is different I think because now there is a community that I can interact with.

How are you guys ? Does this app helped you ? Did the community make an impact?


Welcome to the greatest community of folks who want to remain sober. Do you have a plan in place? Have you considered AA or another recovery program? So many resources online and in person to keep sober.


Hey there ,

Yes I have opened up to family and some close friends and they support me in my path.

I will start exercising by going to the gym regularly and discuss with you guys !

Good for you. Family support is so important. Keep checking in here and find connections.

Welcome :slight_smile: Glad u found us! Congratulations on ur decision to get sober! This app has been life saving for me… literally :slight_smile: i wouldnt be where i am today without it. Great people, great suggestions, lots of support :slight_smile: we are here for u!

Welcome Andy.
Just wrote this to @Kimmy1 about 4 hours ago. Forgive me for just copying and pasting the link. But it’s got some good info if you’re interested.


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Welcome to the forum @And3y33 glad your with us . I remember not getting past day 2 then I couldn’t get past day one then I couldn’t not drink at all without fear nausea and horrific anxiety, I’d upset anyone and anything to get to a drink it’s a progressive disease and it takes some quick and some slow but addiction does take everyone in the end look up our tools of recovery on here and post when you feel the urge to drink and we will help and support you .it works if you work it :heart:

Welcome!! The community has definitely made an impact on me and helped me to reach my sobriety goals. Glad you are here!!

Hi @And3y33 how are you :palm_up_hand: