Drowning in my regrets

I can’t stop feeling guilty and regretful over everything I’ve done, and a lot of things in my life are changing at once. It’s hard for me to even get out of bed, I haven’t eating since my last drink. I’m so scared of losing everyone, and I feel so humiliated by my actions


Well yesterday morning I drank to get rid of the hangover, so if today is day one

I needed this reminder a couple weeks ago and was really lucky to have someone who got me motivated to restart. I hope this helps :black_heart: you are not the same you from 5 minutes ago. You have the power to change your day and I hope you do. I’m back at 2 weeks so I understand fully what you are talking about. You’re not alone :black_heart:


Thank you so much. I really did need that. I just wanna be a good person again


We all want the same thing friend. To be a better version of ourselves and be happy with the way we live. I believe in you and I know this is your day 1 but you are doing so great! You reached out and that is the absolute best thing you can do!


When I say that I felt my regret and guilt so heavy a couple weeks ago it’s true. I was stuck in bed, thinking about everything I have done to mess up… but I got to restart my day, even if it was at 3pm. I restarted and I know you can too :black_heart:


I’ve been off alcohol a little over 4 months now, but everything you explained is something I’ve experienced just earlier today. But I can honestly say, it was much worse when I took that first step of sobriety.

Just remember, it gets easier the more you stay with it. Please keep us updated on how it’s going :pray:

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welcome to your journey.

this is a really wholesome thread that’ll make you feel better: Mental health memes and discussion (Part 1)

and tomorrow get some helpful resources and links for your recovery journey here:
Resources for our recovery

best of luck!


Our lives change by one little choice at a time. You got into your current situation that way and you’re gonna get out of it that way too my friend. Do the next right thing. Little actions over and over add up and make big changes. All you can control is staying sober right now, so start with that.

If you haven’t lost them yet then what are you going to do to keep them? Do the next right thing.

Stay connected here, go to meetings if you can. I wish you the best.