Drug Free Hair?!😮‍💨

Hey guys im 50 days cocaine free :partying_face: now the big question? HOW LONG EXACTLY WILL IT TAKE TO BE OUT OF MY HAIR? AND BLOOD ect?!


Out of curiosity, I asked my addiction doctor this same question a few years back and she said at least 6 months for hair tests. Blood and urine tests all depend on your consumption, body mass and metabolism. Are you needing to test for something specific? Stay on this journey and you’ll never have to worry about tests again.


Huge congrats on being cocaine free 50 days friend. As to your question: it depends. How much you used, in total and per day. How you used, smoking, snorting, injection. What kind of body you have, thick or thin. And more. No exact number to be given. If you want to know, get tested and get a consult from a MD specialized in addiction.