Drunk Dream

I have read about ‘drunk dreams’ and had one myself last night. . .it was horrible!
In my dream, a dear friend was telling me what I had done in a drunken stupor and I was mortified!
I woke up with that tight,anxious feeling in my stomach and feel very emotional today.
I dont even know why I feel so emotional!
Im 12 days sober, so still early in recovery - I guess it happens.
Hope you are all doing ok, this time of year can be tough.


Dont let the dream get the best of you! You made the conscious decision to be sober. The dream is subconscious. Use it as fuel to your fire!! Reasons why you cant go back!! Congratulations on 12 days! Lets keep it going! :fire::heartpulse:

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Ive had a few of those…its definately emotional but try and turn it around and think more of the relief you feel when you realise its not real anymore and so you dont have to feel bad, i see it as a purging of the crappy emotions left from the drinking days, well done for your 12 days, your doing great :+1:

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Oh man those are the worst!! I have them much less now but they really mess with me even more now. Like a couple years of sobriety went down the drain feeling, it takes me a whole day to shake the anxiety.

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I have had plenty of them, they do go away, when i stopped smoking i had a dream this massive cigarette was chasing me, so weird


Thank you.

Yes, I did feel relief when I realised fir once, I had nothing to fear!

Very emotional today over other things, but I guess it’s normal.

Its hard to deal with because it throws up alot of emotions we would rather forget but its all part of the process unfortunately… the good thing is it also reminds you how bad things got and the relief you feel at it not being real serves a purpose- to keep you on track. Remember that the past is the past it cant be changed but you can change the future by staying sober

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