Early recovery is hard

But it eventually settles down right? Or do you just learn how to deal with it easier or both? Kind of stuck in my head with this one

Thank you so much for this advice. Hearing that it gets better and that eventually you stop watching the click is comforting to hear. Loving this platform for the support from others thank you for your words!

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The 3-4 month mark was a huge deal for me. Something shifted. I just gradually accepted and embraced that I was a non-drinker. I stopped counting days after day 100. I now “celebrate” the 10th of every month as freedom from alcohol. It is the best. My one year of sobriety is March 10. It’s been an outstanding year. I’m grateful.


It does get easier, the hardest part for me was like the first 60 days that breaking of the chains, after that I was like fuck it, I don’t want to drink, use or any of it I got too much to do to worry about it holding me down


Yes, I’m 46 days in. Trying to rearrange my days around to make different and new healthy habits

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Congratulations on your weeks​:tada::raised_hands: Definitely…
I’ve been up and down with sobriety. I’ve had to let go of a lot of people . I’d go out to clubs a lot and realized that’s all I really had in my life. And even when friends wanted to do sober things though it was hard for me with anxiety. I’d use alcohol to be more social really :confused: I don’t have anyone now. But I’m close to a month sober and I haven’t been able to say that in a long time so that’s what matters… I know once I’m in this deeper I’ll find my people and so will you!
Places like these although as for me personally don’t meet in person- It’s a great way to communicate with like minded people on the same path. 🫂 Keep going strong💪


I totally feel this. I get so socially anxious, alcohol kept me level. I am having a hard time finding ways to be social sober. :sweat: so I just avoid it.

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It’s tough🫂… Even when I’d go to a club I’d drink before I got there just to not be so awkward.or a movie theatre , comcerts. … But I’m also social. I always say I’m a social butterfly with social anxiety. I remember I went to see NIN without drinking but I had smoked a little marijuana. I’ve never had an issue with that but it helped my anxiety. And my friend said “see you don’t need to drink to have a good time” him not knowing I had smoked a bit before. :confused: I do extra/background/audience work sometimes and there’s a lot of wait time so people talk to you. That’s kinda helped because i almost feel abligated to not be rude lol but yeah I’ve been avoiding going out at all. Music and my bunny save me though. :muscle::black_heart:🫂 We’re strong, a lot of us has had life beat that out of us quite a bit but obviously not all of it if we’re here :muscle: