Early sobriety and social media

It seems whenever I login to any social media or even my Snapchat I see alcohol. I don’t know how to tell a lot of friends I started aa and I’m sober so I get snapchats of their drinks or them at the bars. Do I just sign off for awhile? Do you tell people just when your comfortable to? This is all so new


I have the same problem. I was a regular at a bar about 5-6 times a week before my sobriety so I deal with the same thing. I’m still being asked to go out to the bar. What I did though was put a PSA on snapchat so whoever was interested to see it would know I’m no longer drinking. That helped.

If their posts are giving you cravings to drink then, yeah, I probably would log out for awhile until you feel like you’re ready. Take a little time to yourself; social media is all a flex anyways. You got this!


I got rid of all social media they day I went sober…dont even miss it.


Yeah, you may want to take a break from that for a while. This transition time is difficult and everyone is different. Some disassociate with friends who drink for a while (or a long while) while others are ok with it. Me? I would take a break and focus on your new, sober life.

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Alcohol is pretty much everywhere. If you are uncomfortable then maybe you should take a break.

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I have many friends on social media who are from recovery back home and not all of them are doing the greatest :frowning: I don’t unfriend them but i do unfollow them. I only have Facebook tho so there is that option. Not sure about other social media sites. I also unfollow people who are too negative or who are constantly complaining. I just don’t need to see it.


Thanks everyone I just went ahead and logged out of everything.


I closed my Facebook account when I cleaned up. A year and a half later I opened a new one but use it for NA friends and to stay in the loop for NA functions, service positions etc.

I’m a little bit old school - when I got sober, I had to get off my “social media” for 3 years. I stopped reading the daily paper, limiting myself to the sports and funnies pages and the puzzles on the weekends. Not so much to avoid exposure to alcohol portrayals, but to avoid the emotional upset I had about the state of the world at that time.

I’ve heard people talk about FOMO - fear of missing out, as a driver for them staying attached to social media platforms. In truth, if you get busy with sobriety enhancing activities like AA or your religion or mediation or yoga or exercise or racing remote control cars, you won’t miss the hyped up self absorbed drama that happens on these platforms. It’s almost like Snapchat and etc becomes a vehicle for justifying or normalizing drunkenness.

Like @Thirdmonkey , I’ve disconnected from Facebook and Twitter. Talking Sober and LinkedIn are the extent of my online world, and I’m pretty happy with that.


People still use social media? :exploding_head:


Tell them you’re no longer drinking. If they’re real friends, they’ll understand and support you in your decision. Tell them you’d rather not be sent those pictures. Be firm in it.

In addition, maybe just delete Snapchat altogether. You won’t miss anything of actual importance.

Good luck!

It is crazy how alcohol is everywhere! The first few days I became sober I couldn’t believe how I was noticing alcohol being mentioned in ads during my music, in SO MANY songs, and on ads and in shows/movies on the TVs, ALL while I was at the gym during one workout.:sweat_smile::exploding_head:

I’ve basically stayed off of all social media because I just can’t relate to most of it, and instead put a journal app, affirmation app, sobriety apps, and some mind game apps on my phone. The journaling on my phone has helped a ton. I also got a bunch of non-alcoholic rosés so that if I go to social gatherings and everyone has drinks in their hand, I can still have a “drink” but without the alcohol. I’m not sure if that’s something that might help you too as far as friends and other people drinking.:blush:

Social media is a necessary evil in my career. But I also made it a point to add many sober friends and positive posting organizations to my Instagram. This has been great.

Yep I still get adverts for alcohol nearly 3 years sober, think their algorithms are incorrect :rofl:

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when i got sober social media wasnt a word lol


Me either, and I remember MySpace, but that was after I got sober, too.


I can only talk for me but I had to get rid of social media and my television because I felt like it was contributing to my addiction personality. I think it’s just up to whatever you feel I will trust your gut. If you feel like logging on is affecting your sobriety then it’s not worth it. Keep utilizing this website and try to reach out to people over the phone, depending on whatever program you do … I don’t think this thing is a one size fits all. I hope this can help or make sense. I think it’s good that you’re reaching out that’s what’s probably most important

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Welcome back!

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